Part 15/16

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Okay. I have competitions coming up for my school, so... I will try to post as much as I can, but that's probably not gonna happen... Unless I 'forget' to do my homework...


*Part 15* Peter Parker's Pov: I hated leaving Y/n at the park. I didn't want to, but she told me to go. I ran to the nearest bathroom, took off my jacket, my jeans and my shoes, then tossed them at her. She put them in the backpack as I took off into the city. It took forever to get to the fire, especially since it was about 20 minutes away. 20 minutes of web shooting, 20 agonizing minutes of swinging my arms, back and forth, back and forth and- (You're still reading? Wow, committed.) forth. By the time I was on the nearest rooftop, everybody had been evacuated, and the fire was put out. I was pissed. "What the heck. Spidey senses, you're supposed to tell me these things." I thought, knowing I was only talking to myself. 

I was on my way back, and I paid someone to grab two sandwiches and a bottle of water. They could keep the change. They returned with my exact order, and they kept the change, and ran off. I held the items, returned to my house, grabbed another backpack, and went to Alley Pond Park. "Who the he- Flash?" I dropped down, hoping nobody saw me. Flash was here at the park with Y/n. 

I went into the bathroom, put some jeans on, a hoodie, and some sneakers. I walked out of the bathroom, and Y/n pointed at me, and smiled. Flash wasn't happy, which kinda made me happy. Well, sort of. He looked like he wanted to kill me, I didn't say anything. "Uh, sorry Y/n, the taxi wouldn't come out this far, even when I offered to pay extra. I had to take a local bus into the city, and of course I had to wait. But, I got lunch!" I added. Flash rolled his eyes. "Y/n, why don't you come have dinner at my house, my parents would really like to meet the star of the show." He grinned. Y/n sighed sadly, and replied, "Sorry, but I'm already going out tonight with Peter so-" 

"Speaking of going out... Y/n, would you like to go out with me tomorrow night, I can pick you up." Flash winked. Y/n's face hardened slightly, but Flash didn't notice. "Do you like tai, or seafood, because I know some very exquisite-" I couldn't wait any longer. I grabbed Y/n's face, and kissed her. 

She kissed back. 

Oof. That was the worst ever. I dont think I'm ever gonna write one of these again. However, I'm already working on the christmas one! ughhhhhhhhh

Part 16 Y/n's POV: "Speaking of going out Y/n, would you like to go out with me tomorrow night I've got-" "I can't believe him. He is so oblivious, and full of himself. I gave him one to many chances. I even told him I loved Peter! Not him. For heaven's sake, can this guy just take a freaking hint!" I scowled slightly. "... very exquisite-" I felt someone's lips on mine. "Peter?!" I thought. It was him. It wasn't Flash. "Oh my gosh... I cant believe this is happening." I told myself."Has Peter had practice? He's a pretty good kisser?" 

Peter drew back, just when I did. Flash stared at the both of us, dumbfounded. "What... But... uhgu fnhw dj... urfhciuewadxm.... Y/n?" He stammered. "What, Flash?" I asked. "I just... I..." He was babbling. "You know what, I don't have time for this!" He exclaimed. "I wanted you. I need you Y/n!" Flash pleaded. "He will never make you happy! He didn't make Liz happy, and-" 

"Liz was just a friend." Peter pointed out. "How do you know he didn't make Liz happy?" I asked. Flash was quiet. "You know, there's five oceans Flash, about two thousand islands, seven continents, fifty states in America, 932 towns in New York, 62 cities, and I still ended up meeting you." I said. "You, are a jerk," I pushed him slightly, "you're mean," I pushed him again, "a terrible friend," he stumbled over the bench, "and if you ever talk to me again, I'll make sure you wish you were never born." 

Peter stood there, and when I turned around, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Let's go." He mumbled into my messy hair. I looked up at him, "Where should we go next?" I asked as we walked off. "How about we visit your dad?" He suggested. "Sure, but there's gonna be an awkward vibe." I pointed out. "When is there never an awkward vibe?" I joked. 

****TIME SKIP****         ****TIME SKIP****

~A few months later~

Y/n POV: Dad was out of the hospital, and so was Rhodey. Flash wasn't bothering me, or Peter for that matter. So, I guess you could say that life was pretty good right now. Nobody considered me as a rich girl anymore, so that was nice. Of course, when you're dating the Spider-Man, the unexpected can happen. THe same goes for being a Stark. Peter and I went to the robotics competition with Ned and our team and we got Second Place. It was pretty good. Last night, Peter and I went on a date, and I must say, the view was beautiful. 

LAST NIGHT: I was waiting anxiously for Peter at Delmar's. I had already grabbed the sandwiches, the soda's, and the other necessities that we might need. Not to mention a few gadgets from my dad's workshop. You never know when someone could try to mug you. I paced the front of the store, then sat down. I checked my phone. It was 9:30 (am). I watched as the cars passed, and people laughed. 

My phone buzzed a few minutes later. It was Peter.

"Hey, Y/n, could you possibly meet me in the alley to your left?" 

"Sure? Lemme guess, you're wearing your fancy suit and you'd rather not get bombarded by people."


"I'll be right there."

I walked into the alley to my left, and I walked towards the dark back. I waited, and felt someone's breath on the back of my neck. "Wonderful weather this morning isn't it?" I asked. "Please be Peter..." I begged in my head. "Yes, but I always carry an umbrella." It was Peter. I turned around, and saw him in his Spider Suit. I lifted the mask slightly, and kissed him quickly. "Let's go before someone mugs us." I joked. 

He jumped up onto the wall of the building looming over us. I watched as he scaled the building. I stretched my hand out, and felt the webbing wrap around my hand. I tugged twice slightly, and he tugged twice in return. I started to climb the building. It was just like climbing a very tall rock. 

Once I reached the top, Peter asked, "Are you ready?" "Yes, I've been waiting." I replied. He swung into an abandoned warehouse. We had cleaned it up a little on the inside, so it was nice. Once we were inside, he asked "Are you wearing your special shoes?" I scoffed, "Of course I am." They were able to stick to many of the surfaces in the city. Walls, windows, brick, concrete, marble... I ran over to the nearest wall, and jumped onto it. I slowly went to the roof, and Peter joined me. I stood up, or upside down, and we just stood there, looking at the city. 

"Peter..." I muttered, my head in the crook of his neck. "Yeah?" He asked. "Thank you. For everything." 

"Of course." He smiled. 

"I love you." 

"I love you too." 

ughhh, I cant write... 

help me please....

I can't help falling in love with you   Peter Parker x Reader {MARVEL}Where stories live. Discover now