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Friday eventually rolled around, bring it's evening in it's wake. Which had brought me to the restaurant that Chloe had spoken of.

Chandlers were spread gracefully across the ceiling, emitting a large golden glow... Then I saw them.

Or maybe I heard them...

I saw Chloe's long pastel powder blue dress making my heart get caught in my own throat as I stared at the two. Chicago pulling out her chair making her smile and sit down.

He was fitted with a suit which had his coat dusting the sharp outline of his shoulder blades which made it look extremely uncomfortable.

His face sporting stubble along his jawline, his hair freshly cut into a walker as his eyes shimmered a soft ocean blue.

I could hear the faint banter around the halls as my eyes lingered to Chloe's crossed legs and broad smile.

My eyes snapped out of their trance as the waiter poured each of them champagne in there own flutes. My eyes flickering to Chicago as he mouthed the word 'bathroom' and went to the opposite side of the room where a large door was.

"Miss? Is there something I can assist you with?" An older man asked. He seemed to be in his early thirties. Looking at me with dark curls brushing upon his calloused forehead. An idea flickering to my mind making a small grin form on my lips

"The woman's rest room is out of toilet paper" The phrase causing his forehead scrunch up and walk to the door near the one Chicago had disappeared behind

I made sure to try to hide my face in case Chloe looked up. Luckily she didn't as I dashed into the rest room and found the man looking in one of the stalls turning around to find me locking the stall behind me leaving my other hand in my right pocket gripping my pocket knife tightly as he looked at me with a puzzled look

"Ma'am? Could you please move?" He asked making me grip the metal tighter and smirk under my hood

"No Greg" I laughed seeing his name pinned to his shirt as my knife was pulled out of my pocket and extended so the tip of the blade was facing his skin causing him to flinch

"Don't say anything and this won't be as bad as it looks Gregory" My voice came out in a raspy whisper sending his limbs to try and grab onto the toilet and in an attempt to pull himself upward to try to escape.

I laughed and caught his shoe in my grasp as he attempted to lift himself above the wall separating the stalls. This action sending him tumbling down to the floor in a frenzy

I smirked as my eyes loomed on his now cut forehead as his eyes fluttered between being closed and open at me. I leant down with the knife hovering dangerously close to his face Anna's face popping into my mind as I shoved the blade into the man's throat earning a pained gasp and his limbs to become jell-o beneath his uniform .

Quickly I stripped his uniform off of him and pulled it onto my own body leaving my clothes in a near wastebasket as I shuffled into the men's rest room to find Chicago washing his hands and humming an incoherent song

I tapped him on his broad shoulder causing him to look up and turn around.

"May I help you?" He asks paranoid on why I would be bothering him

"It is important you come to this address on Saturday morning. Precisely 10am" I spoke handing him a slip of paper that had Kendrick's handwriting

"What kind of sick joke is this? You lunatic" Chicago raises his voice and shoved the paper into his pocket and was getting ready to dart out of the room

I grabbed his shoulder causing his head to snap to see my hand

"If you don't Mr. Harrison. Miss Beale is in for a world of hurt" I spoke causing his eyes to widen and his fist to get shoved into my palm as he attempted to punch me in the mouth

"How the fuck do you know my name?!" He asks making me smirk in amusement

"I have my ways Chicago. Meet me there or Chloe is going to be dead to you" I speak making him nod and scamper out of the room

I pull out my phone and dial Kendrick's number

The number went straight to voicemail making me pull my cell from my ear seeing I had dialled my own number by mistake...

Plan Harrison is a go...

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