"Besides, this tent for Champions and friends. And you Ms. Skeeter are neither." Esme snapped. Lorna stood up and Rebecca stood to her left and Esme stood to her right.

Their intimidation apparently worked because Rita was quaking with fear. "That's alright. We got what we wanted." She licked her lips and scurried off. Lorna and Esme smirked over at Rebecca who smiled. Dumbledore and Crouch gathered the seven Champions.

"In this bag there are several representations of very real dragons. There are only five so, the Danes will compete against another and whichever one gets the egg in the arena will receive more points though it all depends on your performances." Crouch explained. "Or there is another option. You could compete with each other as one body." Lorna glanced over at Rebecca and Esme. "We will need to know now."

"Together. No questions asked." Esme said.

"Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger, what are you doing here?" Dumbledore asked.

"Uh, sorry. I'll just go." Hermione muttered. Lorna looked over at Viktor who was staring at Hermione. Lorna rolled her eyes.

"Bye." Ron whispered to Rebecca.

"Now, Mr. Diggory, when the cannon sounds you can go in." The cannon sounded. Mr. Filch had fired too early. Cedric swallowed and set off to the arena.

Fluer sat by the three sisters. "Fluer, don't stress. You'll do great." Esme said.

"Says you. You get three people to defeat your dragon." Fluer pouted.

"That's just because they want to see our mutations. And what we can do together." Lorna sighed.

"Don't think like that." Esme snapped.

"Delacour! You're up." Esme stood to hug Fluer. 

"You've got this. Don't worry about it." Fluer shakily nodded.

Harry sat in his section of the tent. He looked pretty worried. "I'm gonna go talk to him." Lorna said.

She approached Harry. "Hey." Harry acknowledged her presence.

"Can I sit here?" Lorna asked. Harry nodded to her. Lorna sat and began to talk to him.

"I thought you and Viktor were a thing."

"We decided to move on." Lorna said uncomfortably. "But, he's been checking out your friend, Hermione. She's a good catch." Harry smiled at her. "You know, Harry, Rebecca and Ron wanted to get us together." Lorna blushed.

"I ship it." Esme said from her spot with Rebecca. Lorna glared at her sister.

"If all goes well, the three of us were planning to come to Hogwarts. I've always wanted to come here. All I've learned at Beaubatons is Charms and a few defensive spells. Hogwarts seems to be more intense."

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