Untitled Part 22

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Robert studied Felicity again. Maybe he had underestimated her. He thought she would be a push-over but he was finding she was anything but that. Robert had always wanted what was best for his son and he used this to justify pushing him as hard as he did.

"Dad Oliver's fight against Dozer was fantastic. You should have seen the move he used to put him down." Thea said, her eyes dancing. "You are sooo going to teach me that move bro."

Robert looked at Oliver thoughtfully. "I am sorry we missed your fight son. Sounds like your injuries are not hindering your movements as much as I thought they would."

Felicity felt Oliver stiffen beside her again, and remembering Thea's words, she gently took his hand in hers and drew it to her lap. Oliver glanced at her before he answered.

"I had some stiffness at first, but Lyla Michaels has done wonders in working to improve my flexibility." Oliver took a sip of his wine.

"Has John been working on your overhead slam?" Robert asked. "I seem to remember you struggling with that move."

Robert was looking at Oliver casually but anyone that knew him could tell by his tone he was treading on topics that had been a bone of contention in the past.

"I never had a problem with the slam Dad. My arm had just been twisted like a pretzel by Slade when I tried that move on him." Oliver said irritated. He remembered the fight his Dad was referring to and he had lost it to Slade.

"You need to keep better concentration son. You should have saved that slam until your arm strength was back to 100%." Robert said. "Or next time try a superman punch to make him a better target."

Oliver was growing more irritated by the second. It was always this way with his Dad. Robert held him to high standards and if he did not feel like Oliver was doing things exactly as he felt he should be, then he would bring it up every time.

"If everyone is done with their dinner, why don't we move to the sitting room and have coffee." Moira said, noting the tension that was starting to mount. She loved her husband but she always felt he was hard on Oliver. She knew it came from a good place but it always rubbed Oliver the wrong way.

Oliver waited for Felicity to walk ahead before placing his hand on her back and walking to the sitting room. They sat on the couch and Oliver took her hand again, keeping her close to his side. She could tell he was tense and so she settled in next to him.

Roy and Thea sat across from them as they waited for Robert and Moira, "So Oliver, who is your next fight? I heard Yoel Romero was in town", Roy said.

"Well actually I was going to tell Oliver that news tonight when everyone was here." Felicity said laughing. Oliver looked at her in surprise. Yoel Romero was the current middleweight champion and was in town for an exhibition fight.

"Am I fighting the exhibition with Yoel?" Oliver asked.

"You are!" Felicity smiled. It had taken a lot of finagling and a promise of a publicity shoot, but Felicity had gotten Oliver the exhibition fight. Normally this was done between the champion and the highest-ranking fighter, but Felicity had been able to sell Oliver's story as someone fighting his way back to the top. It was exactly the story they wanted to sell tickets.

Oliver pulled her close and gave her a hug. He knew what a big deal this was for his career and Robert and Moira walked in as Thea jumped up in excitement and Roy gave a loud "Yeah!"

"What's going on?" Moira asked, noting the excitement in the room.

"Felicity just old Oliver that he is going to be fighting the exhibition bout with Yoel Romero." Thea said proudly.

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