The Grand Mind Blower Rises!

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It was an average night, and it was another night shift duty for Carl a security guard that mainly looks at what is going on. He was sleeping on his chair until a loud thunder broke and woke up Carl straight away he looked to his left and right and wondered around the corridors to see if anyone was there but until he heard it again and was fully scared... He flicked on his torch..... and looked around... Bang the thunder came but came with a 6"4' man shadow wearing a stylish hat and a long jacket... The man's face was unknown it looked like he was wearing a mask but it was impossible to tell he had a zombie knife and other weapons and wore thick boots... " What Place is this little man!" He ordered for answers. "You're in Gotham City home to heroes like Batman" nervously said Carl "Alright let's cut to the chase.....

My name is The Grand Bind Blower I'm a secret spy that has traveled all over the world I've been in the most chaotic battles fighting on many missions. The main reason why I'm here is over a shocking accident that happened 25 years ago In Gotham's museum I won't tell you the full story...l but I'm here not to bring peace I came to bring torture and if you tell anyone you will be bereaved ALIVE !!!!!"

The Mind Blower disappeared in such a way not even Batman could handle Carl was left in surprise and shock and didn't tell a living soul about what happened. Police officers came and saw that the building window was damaged they started to investigate what happened but had no clues this case wasn't a case to forget but was blamed on Jaguar-man for no reason. 

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