Chapter 9: Leaving the Castle

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I must have fallen asleep at my desk because when I wake up it's to the sound of my door and the smell of breakfast. I open my eyes and quickly make my way to the door to open it, but just as I get to the door it swings open. I try to move out of the way but being a cripple and having one crutch I fall back onto my butt, I look up to the door to see Daniel standing there. 

"Couldn't have waited two more seconds?" He doesn't say anything, but only offers me his hand. I take his hand and lean on the crutch. 

"I have been knocking on your door for the last two minutes. Were you still sleeping?" I glance up at him, he seems less flustered today but I think I see some pink on his cheeks.

"Yes, I was. I fell asleep at my desk last night after talking to my family about the house. Also, how didn't I hear about the assassination attempt reaching the news?" I go back over to my desk and begin munching on some bacon. 

"Ah, that. Yes, we didn't want you to worry about anything like that yet while you were still in the infirmary, so we decided to not tell you." He still stands just inside my door, like he wants to say something else. 

"Was there something else that you needed?" I put a fork of eggs in my mouth. 

"Yes, there was. In a few weeks, after your time on crutches, there is going to be a party for my 21st birthday. I thought that I would tell you now so you can start preparing yourself for it." 

I'm a little shocked. I mean I know that they throw a party for every birthday, but for him to invite me is strange. I would have had to attend it anyway being as I'm his personal butler. 

"Sure, I would love to go, but I would have had to go anyway being as I am your butler." 

He raises a hand then drops it back to his side, opens his mouth to say something but then reconsiders and closes it. I laugh as he gives me a death glare, I try to cover up my laughter with an awkward cough. 

"Well," he stands up tall, "I shall leave you to the rest of your day." He walks out shutting the door behind himself. Now then, whatever shall I do with the rest of my day?

I work out for a few hours, shower, then I get dressed and leave my room. It's only about two in the afternoon and I'm bored out of my mind with nothing to do. I just sort of shuffle around looking for something to do, I pass by a few people that I know and I would stop and talk to them for a few minutes. I see one of the princes walking down the hall so I move to the side as they walk by, except they don't walk by, they stop in front of me. 

"You would be wise to not involve yourself with my brother. Servant." I can't say anything to him, I can't even look him in the eyes unless told so. The voice sounds vaguely familiar but I can't place it, I risk a look at the prince's retreating figure down the hall I can't tell for sure which one it is because all I can make out is blonde hair and three of the five princes' have that hair color, two not counting Daniel. 


I'm on leave at the moment and as far as I know, I can leave the castle. I wander around on my crutches until I find who I've been looking for in the kitchen. 

"Erik!" I call out to the man sitting at the table. He turns to me and his whole face brightens, "Adrian!" He stands and pulls me into a hug. 

"What are you doing down here? I thought that you are still supposed to be in bed, resting." He guides me to the, surprisingly nice, table for the servants to rest at. 

"Well, kinda. I can be out of bed and everything, I just can't "over-use" my leg. I also just got really bored, the boredom was killing me." To act childish and to prove my point, I hold my hands at my neck and make a face. He laughs at my childish move.

He wipes a tear away from his eye, "So what does this very mature, brave man, want from this old man?" 

"I want to go to my old house," I look to my hands that I folded together on the table, "My family should be going there today to look at the house and I want to see them. I haven't seen them in so long." 

"I have no issues with that," I look him in the eyes, "but, we do need to ask permission from a member in the royal family and receive a key to one of the cars from the head of the royal guard." He stands and offers me his hand, "Lucky for you I know just the royal member to ask, and we also know the head of the royal guard." 

We walk down the halls of the castle at a slow, comfortable, pace for me to keep up with until we reach our destination. It takes me a few seconds to recognize the door that we're at, but when I do I quickly compose myself as Erik knocks on the door. A quiet 'come in' is heard from the other side of the door. As soon as I am visible to the people in the room I hear quick footsteps up to my location. 

"You are the one that saved my son's life right?" I bow my head to the queen and reply, "Yes, your Majesty, I am."

She quickly pulls me into a hug, "I knew it. Why are you here?" She pulls away, but still holds me in her grip, "You are not quitting, are you?" 

Erik answers for me, "No, your Majesty, he is not. We just came to ask for leave. He would like to go see his family that is visiting his old home." 

"That is all?" She looks to me. 

"Yes, that is all. I have not seen them in a long while and I would like to take the opportunity to go see them now while I am not working." 

She doesn't say anything to me nor Erik as she goes back to her desk and writes something down on a piece of paper. She returns to us shortly and hands Erik the piece of paper. 

"Thank you, your Majesty." He bows and I do the same with my head, then we both turn and leave. Just before the door shuts the Queen says something else, "Do not worry about my son, I will tell him that you have left for the day." 

The door shuts and I let out a sigh. 

"You get use to her. She isn't one for lots of formalities." Erik just shrugs it off.

"I've noticed." 


The Butler and his PrinceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon