" J-just my ex is all." I look down at my feet. 

        "I over heard you say something about my son...Devin is there something going on that I don't know?" she questions. I shake my head. 

        "My ex just found out that Harry had been taking me to work, now he thinks there is something more going on between us." I sniffle finally looking back up at her. 

        "Well is there..I mean something going on with you and my son?" Her eyes light up and her eyebrow raises. Why dose she seem happy about this. Its like she knows but she doesn't.

        "No Grace I can tell you there is nothing going on between Harry and I." I lie straight to her face and I'm pretty damn proud that I made it sound truthful.

        Her face falls and I am beyond confused. "Well, if everything is better come back in will you, It's not busy I'll make you biscuits and gravy." She smiles slightly heading back into the restaurant.

        Before I head back inside I do what should have done a long time ago I block Zaid's number, I know I won't hear the end of it when he finds out, but it's time to erase him and everything he's ever put me though out of my life. 

        Once I regain my composer i make my way back into the restaurant. I guess i hadn't noticed Harry sitting there until he grabbed my arm as I walked by.

        "Are you okay?" he whispers into my ear. I nod, looking up at him, his lip is busted open and his jaw is tinted purple. Zaid!

        "I swear to god I'm going to kill him with my own bare hands." I clinch my fists.

        "Whoa there tiger calm down, its not worth it, it will only make things worse."  The old man at the bar give both Harry and I a strange look and i pull my wrist from his hand.

        "Well if thats so then, i need to get back to work."

        "Oh yeah because is so busy in here," he scarasticly remarks. 

        I roll my eyes, going back behind the bar. "I'll be in the back if you need me."


        "Grace this is amazing, " I swipe my finger across the plate getting every last bit of gravy, popping it into my mouth.

        "It was my mother recipe you know?" She cleans off the last bit on her plate as well. "One day I hope to pass it on to Harry and he'll make it for his kids, that's if he even wants them, let alone get married." she shrugs.

        "I heard my name, what did I miss." Harry sits on the bar stool next to me.

        "Nothing Harold, get back to work,: Grace swats him away, but he doesn't move. I'm surprised Grace didnt notice the marks on Harry's face, but with the dim lighting that would make since why she didnt.

        "Grace, what have I said about calling me that its embarrassing."

        "You'll live, but since its so dead, go ahead and take Devin home will you," she smiles taking our plate and going into the kitchen.

        "So, she brought up the kids and marriage thing didn't she," okay then.

        I nod slowly biting my lower lip, "yeah." I answer shortly.

        "She wants me to have kids so bad, she'll do anything to be a grandmother, she'd be the best at it." He states.

                "Yeah well, when you find the one who's willing to hold your obnoxious, annoying genes then maybe you can grant her, her one wish, " i say jokingly, giggling. 

        "Oh I'm obnoxious, am I?" the middle of his brow scrunches as he glares at me, the curve of his lips form a smirk, a devilish one at that. Uh oh.  Before i knew it I'm being hoisted over Harry's shoulder in the middle of the restaurant. The old man now shaking his head at us.

        "Harry Styles put me down you.." Ugh this man I swear. 

        "You what," he grips my legs and i playfully hit his back.

        "I'm so sorry," I apologize to the old man, as Harry makes his way to the door. Again he just shakes his head. As soon as we are out side the air hits me and its chilly, but not to bad. Harry sets me down pulling my face to his so are lips slightly brush against each others. My eyes shut taking in our little silence. When are lips connect fully the world around us seems to dissipate into oblivion. Harry and I are surrounded by tension and lust. 

        My arms make there way around his neck, my fingers sliding into his hair, taking in every breath his mouth lets out into mine. He tastes of mint and soda , not the greatest combination, but he tastes oh so good. I pull closer pushing my body to his, his arms wrap around the bottom of my back hugging me, taking me all in. God i'm lost, so fucking lost in this kiss and I have idea if i'll ever find my way out, or if I even want to.

        Harry soon pulls back, his hands move up my sides, then my arms, taking one of my hands and running it across his bruised jaw, then his lip. I bite down on my lip taking in this moment. My finger tip brush against the stubble that's formed on his chin.

         He is a tall, glorious creature created by the gods I swear.

        The hand he has a hold of  moves down his neck so close to his chest. My heart is racing and this silence we have is wanting to break but I can't.                 

        Harry spreads my hand like I'm giving a high five, placing it gently over his chest and pushes. His breath hitches. I look up at him and his eyes are dark so much darker than they were before. I don't know what to do. Do i just stand here, or say something. My free hand makes it slowy up to his chest laying it next to the other as i lean up and kiss him yet again, pulling my slowly keeping my eyes closed.         

        I feel his very warm breath hit my ear, as he hold on to both my hand keeping them in place on his chest. He's breathing even harder now. 

        "To answer your question, what is this? Its whatever you want it to be Devin, I want it to be something, I don't care what people think, and I could give a shit what Zaid thinks. I want you Devin, God do I want you so fucking bad." I'm seriously heaving, my chest has never felt like this so tight, burning, but in a good way.

        The fire inside me has been lit, hes my gasoline, hes the one that keeps me running.                 

        "I want you too Harry,"I whisper, my fingers run over his chest feeling bumps, his scars. He trust me and I trust him. 


(EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKK OMFG. Devin and Harry are my fucking OTP other than Narry of course but seriously look at them they give me chest pains. So there you have it folks Havin/Darry. Ugh they are so perfectly imperfect it really does kill me inside. I don't know about you but I loved this chapter it was short but it was amazing and i Hope you thought so too. He let her touch his chest for the first time, this has to mean something!!

I want to know what your favorite line is so far? Could you answer that for me please. haha Mine is : "I want you Devin, God i want you so fucking bad." I seriously got chills writing it. Umph.

Also thank you so much you guys i asked to get me to 3K you got me to 3.3k do you know how happy that makes me? Like really fucking happy. I'm so happy how far this has gotten in only 2 months. you guys are the bestest. And i love you all very much:) 

One last thing sorry for such a long authors note:/ but 7 days til WWAT Liam's birthday show. Anyways let try to get this to 3.8k maybe? Alright love you guys and pleas answer the question in bold. Love you all)


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