Chapter 2

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The weather had cleared, which made Ivan happy since he could get to his destination quicker. It was almost one a.m now. He entered a small town and was glad to know his presence was going unnoticed. While waking past a gap between two fairly large houses, he heard a strange sound and stopped. He looked between the two houses to see a person in all black standing up against a wall. He smiled evilly to himself and walked to the person who he knew it was.

"You got the shit?" He asked quietly, still not wanted to be heard.

"Yeah," Alfred looked up from the ground and pulled out a folder. Ivan took it from his hands and looked inside. The folder contained memes such as the "butterfly" meme, the "but that's none of my business" meme, and the "house on fire girl" meme, but in a higher quality than the one he already had.

"Fuck yes..." he whispered under his breath. He pulled out a hundred dollars from his pocket and handed it to Alfred. He took it and counted to make sure it was all there. Unlike most things, Ivan does not lie about how much money he gives his dealer. After all he would hate to screw up business with him since meme dealers are so rare nowadays. Alfred nodded in satisfaction and put the money in his jacket. Right before Ivan was about to leave, Alfred called back to him.

"A word of advice. I'd started limiting your visits with me for a while,"

"Huh? Why's that?" The Russian asked, clearly confused.

"You see... Countries in the EU have been asking questions. I heard that that Feliks might have started a rumor saying that I've been passing you illegal memes. Easy to say they want in on it. Specifically Ludwig, Francis, and Mathias. Don't know why them but they do," Alfred explained with no hint of worry in his voice. Ivan was concerned, but figured that Alfred, being as strong as he was, would figure it out. With that he wished him luck and left. While walking away he could've swore he heard a twig snap. He hesitantly brushed it off and walk swiftly back home. He locked his beloved memes in a large box he kept under his bed, to shield them from Putin. After that, he fell asleep.

(Don't worry, the epic story continues!)

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