"I like this one." I twirled around in front of the body mirror with a small smile. "It's way more comfortable. And I can wear leggings under these."

Jeno, with a hand on his forehead, groans. "Of course you would like the one that looks like what a nun would wear."

"Do you even know what a nun looks like?"

"No, but I don't care."


We end up shopping until the store closed at midnight.

Not that we bought a lot of things. Jeno and I just disagreed a lot on what I should wear and what I should never wear.

Not a surprise that he likes revealing things.

"A girl that shows her skin is not inappropriate, in my opinion." He says as he holds up two black and red mini skirts. "It just shows that they're comfortable with their body and that's sexy."

Is that sweet...or...?

"I also really love a girl that wears black. Asialyn once wore this black tank top and black leather pants." He shakes his head. "That was the sexiest thing I have ever seen."

I mentally roll my eyes.

"Black and red is sexy too. If you know how to match them. If you do, and you know how to pull it off, then you've got my eye."

He seems to be really smart with fashion, but when it comes to homework, it's like he's never even held a pencil before.

Jeno swiftly pays for everything with a card and carries all the bags with his arms.

"I can help." I tried to grab a bag, but he moves away.

"I'm the boyfriend. I can hold the bags while you walk comfortably." He huffs. "Plus, I'm strong."

"Letting me hold a bag won't make you look weak."

"Yeah, but I look better."

We exit the store and girly laughter can be be heard from afar.

"Jeno, it's Asialyn." I grab his coat sleeve. "Look, over there, they're walking towards us."

Asialyn and her two other friends were walking down the street. Bags on their arms, laughing and chatting.

"F**k." He turns towards me. "Sky, hug me."


"Is that Jeno?" One of the girls points towards our direction.

"Sky, hurry!" Jeno whisper yells.

Out of panic, I run into his arms and embraced his torso, hiding my face deep in his coat.

I hear the girls walking closer to us, their laughing and chatting slowly disappearing.

"Hey, girls." Jeno greets them with a cool voice. "How are you all doing?"

"We're alright." A girl responds cheerfully.

"Is that your girlfriend?" Asialyn asks.

"Oh, yeah," Jeno chuckles. "She's a little cold, so she's clutching to me."

I slowly turn around and smiled towards the girls.

Asialyn gasps. "Sky?"

"Hey, Asialyn." I greet her shyly.

"Oh, my gosh. Jeno, you bought so many things!" Another one of her friends point to all of our bags. "Is that for your girlfriend?"

"My baby girl was sad today." He looks down at me and pecks the top of my head. "So I took her out and let her get whatever she wanted."

The three girls awed at him.

It wasn't really what I wanted to buy, more like what he wanted.

But that's besides the point.

"I had no idea you had a girlfriend, Jeno." Asialyn's voice lowered and became more...flirtatious. "It seems like you know how to treat a lady."

"I do." He responds with the exact same tone of voice.

"Well, we must get going. It's late and if we stay out any longer, it'll become too dangerous for us." Asialyn purrs.

"If you need someone to protect you,"  Jeno inches towards her. "I may know someone."

He winks at her.

The three girls start giggling.

"Anyways, goodnight Jeno. Good to see you, Sky." Asialyn waves to us and leaves with her friends.


We arrive back at Jeno's house at around 1am.

He took off his coat and threw it on the couch. He heads for the kitchen and grabs a water bottle from the fridge.

"You want one?" He holds up a bottle.

"No, thanks."

I sit down on his couch and take off the jacket he gave me. I lay it down next to the one he threw.

"Jeno, there's something I've noticed." I say, grabbing a pillow to cover my legs. "About our plan."

He takes a swig from the water bottle and gulps it down. "What is it?"

"You want to date Asialyn...why date me?"

He looks at me with squinted eyes. "What are you talking about?"

"I mean, when we saw Asialyn, she was flirting with you and you were flirting with her. It seemed off because you were doing it in front of your girlfriend. If you weren't pretend dating me, wouldn't you be able to...I don't know, get with her already?"

He leans on the kitchen counter and rubs his chin. "Hm, I see what you mean."

"It seems like Asialyn is already into you..."

"The thing is, she has never talked to me in that way before. She has never 'flirted' with me like that ever. It was the fact that I had a girlfriend that I can show off my charms. That made her interested."

I shrug. "I don't get it."

"If you were more experienced with high school love life, you would get it."

I glare at him.

But he wasn't wrong.

"I should get home." I stand up from the couch, pulling the shirt down to my thighs. "If I want to sleep without mosquitos eating me alive, I should prepare a fire to ward them off."

"A fire?"

"The earlier the fire is prepared, the better. I read a book about it."

Jeno shakes his head. "Sky, you really want to go back there and sleep outside in your own backyard."

I rub my eyes. "Honestly, who would? I just am forced to."

His lips twitched into a smirk.

"Then stay."

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