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Ruby's POV

I am walking down the street. I was running through the woods. In wolf form. I've gotten really fast. I see a guy and I don't say anything until he stops me.


"Umm hi."

"I'm Trevor do you know where Regina Mills is?"

"No sorry" I lie. Hell no! I don't trust him at all.

"Do you happen to know where she lives."

"Nope sorry."

"Oh what's her job?"

"I uh don't know sorry."

"You really don't know her."

"It's a small town but not that small. I know of her but not personally."

"Okay well thanks."

"You're welcome" I watch him walk away and I pick up blood on him. I quickly run to Granny's in lighting speed. I run in seeing Regina with a drink and she looks so it bored.


"Hey I missed you. Why are you so late today?"

"Went on a run and now I need to talk to you." I feel people's eyes.


"No alone. Come" She puts her hand in mine and I drag her to my room quickly. I lock the door and I walk over the the window by the dresser and close and lock that one. I close the blinds too.

"You're kind of scaring me Ruby. What's with the locking and stuff?"

"There was a guy asking for you. Where you were. Where you lived. Your job. I didn't tell him anything besides that I know of you. And as he walked past me I pick up his scent."


"I don't want to worry you Gina."

"You have got to tell me now."

"Blood. It was strong. His clothes reeked. I'm scared for you."

"I can handle myself. Can you follow his scent."

"I can sniff him out. Why?"

"Let's go."


"He's looking for me. We will stay far away. I need to know where he's going. And what he plans to do."

"The woods. Let's go. I know a short cut." I grab her hand lacing our fingers to keep her close and we get there pretty quick with my short cut.

"You know the woods pretty well?"

"My nose does and I have a wonderful memory."

"I know you know just about everyones regular at Granny's and even my off days."

"That's cause I care." I go to say something else but I smell him so I push her front against a tree covering her mouth. I look and see a campfire. We are pretty far so he shouldn't be able to see us in this dark area.

"Shh" She nods and I move my hand. I keep my hands on her hips her ass pressed into crotch. I hold back a groan and I lean in closer.

"Did you find her?" A man says.

"No. But I found the wolf. They are the talk of the town. Her supposed girlfriend. She is lying."

"Are you sure?"

"She said she doesn't know her well."

"What's next?"

"We wait. We get friends. Try to draw more people in. Keep quiet. No one can mess up and if you see her don't do anything. Kindly smile and walk away. This town talks. And if she knows and tells someone we go in. Hard. Leave." Everyone moves and I make sure to keep Regina as close as possible.

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