Chapter 23: I'd Smack The Guy For Smiling At Me.

Start from the beginning

As I walked out of the school hall with a jump in my step of happiness, I saunter over to Logan's truck, and Logan who was leaning against the bonnet, tapping his foot in thought looking down at the ground. He was waiting outside because I did not want him in the room with me, just in-case I had failed. 

Logan must have heard my steps approaching him, or he smelt me, because his head shot up from where it had been staring solemnly on the ground and smiling at me waiting for me to tell him my results. 

I decided I would play a trick on him.

I looked down, with a frown on my face as I walked up to him, with my arms folded across my chest in a sign of defence. I could not see Logan's face because I was looking downwards, but I felt his arms touching me and the concern in his voice.

"Blair, Sweetheart? Are you okay? Was it your results?" He asked, bending down so that he was on his knee's, as he tried to catch eye contact with me. I refused to give him eye contact because I knew he would would figure out that I was faking it right away.

I barely nodded my head, but he saw it because he sighed, and started stroking my arms up and down, comforting me.

"Baby it's okay. I'm proud of you either way." Logan said, and I was ready to look up and laugh but he carried on. "Actually I glad- this means that you don't have to go to university and can stay home and be Luna. It's all worked-"

"Logan." I looked up at him, raising my brow's. "I passed." 

He frowned when I told him, not fully understanding what I was saying. Obviously he was not used to being teased. A few moments passed until he clicked on, and he captured me in his arms, ticking me, knowing that I hated it. 

"Logan!" I squealed, laughing as his hands ran up my rib's, where I was ticklish the most. "Stop it!" 

"Apologize for tricking me." He said laughing, as he continued to tickle me.


He tickled he further, lifting my arms up to tickle me under my arms. No.

"Sorry!" I screamed. "I'm sorry!" He stopped a few seconds later, continuing to laugh at my annoyance. I stuck my tongue out before walking around to the passenger side of the door, as Logan continued to laugh. 

My piece of paper must have dropped onto the floor because the next time I looked at Logan, I saw him holding my exam result's, looking at them smiling before walking around the driver's side of the car and unlocking the door.

Once we were both seated, he turned to me, observing me with pride.

"Well done, Sweetheart. I'm so proud of you." He leaned over in his seat, capturing my lips with a sweet kiss. 

"My girl is genius." He murmured against my lips and was ready to kiss me again but I turned away when I suddenly felt like chucking up all of the food I had ate today.

Logan must have saw my skin turn green, because he rolled down every window in his truck and drove off, looking worried-stricken. I knew he was driving towards the pack doctor.

"Can you keep it in, baby?" He asked, referring to my sickness. Logan driving was not exactly helping but I murmured something that was supposed to sound like a "yes" but came out me as a whimper. 

I think I was actually hoping to be sick. 

Luckily with Logan's fast driving skill's we had managed to make it to the pack house, where the pack doctor's office was located, in matter of minutes.

Once we were escorted through the large mansion by concerned pack member's who begged Logan and I to let them direct us, in the mansion that Logan had lived in most of younger life, we came to a stop outside the hospital room door, down a dark hall that I had never ventured before.

Anyone who did not know where anything was in the pack house would still be able to tell this was the pack hospital room by the sign that told everyone that this room was for the 'sick and dying'. 

Great. I sarcastically thought as I waited for the doctor to welcome us in. I was sick and dying? That really did make me feel a whole lot better. 

Logan rubbed my arms gently, trying to comfort and sooth me just as the doctor opened his door, and smiled brightly at Logan and I. Of course he showed respect by bowing his head and murmuring "Alpha, Luna." 

I tried to smile, I really did but my brain was worrying about what could possibly be wrong with me. Was I sick and dying? I tried not to think about it but now as we were minutes away from my diagnosis the thought dominated my mind. 

"Welcome, come on in." The doctor said, gesturing to the egg shell white room. Everything was white. I closed my eyes a little because the sudden brightness of plain white wall, floor, furniture was just a bit too much.  "Luna, can you please lay on the bed right there." He said to me, smiling gently. 

The bed was your average hospital bed. Metal. White. Uncomfortable looking. I quickly scanned my eyes over Logan who gave me a quick nod. I needed his comfort. 

I knew Logan was worrying now. It was as if he had put a wall up of worry around his thoughts. He did not want to worry me, but he was also scared just in case whatever was up with me was serious. It was most likely just the flu though. 

I had never been able to catch a cold very often, and when I was younger I'd get annoyed. My brothers' would be able to a few's off of school because they came down with the flu, but still I had to go because my immune system was so strong. 

So I was quite surprised to be sick quite often in the past few days. 

I sat down on the bed to start with, and gently rubbed my hand over the duvet, while I encouraged myself to lay back and let the doctor do his job. 

It won't be anything serious. I told myself, and smiled smally at Logan who returned an encouraging smile. I nodded to the doctor before laying back and resting my head on the pillow which was surprisingly comfortable. 

The doctor came over with utensils and started to check my heart beat, and I wondered if he was used to listening to human heart beats and not just werewolf's. I was sure that we would not have the same heart beat, right?

Next he checked my temperature before writing some notes down and frowning at me, unnerving me. 

He touched my stomach for about a minute before he removed his hand again, nodding his head as if agreeing with his thought's. Too bad I had no idea what he was thinking. 

"Well, Doctor?" Logan asked after the doctor gestured that Logan was aloud to come to me. He had rushed over and sat on the bed hugging me, as if I would disappeared at any moment. 

"Well..." The doctor started, with a blank look. Then suddenly he grinned at the both of us, confusing me. Why was he smiling? Was I okay? If I wasn't I'd smack the guy for smiling at me. "Congratulation Alpha and Luna. You are pregnant!" 

                                                           ***The End***

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