Ch: 14 The calm before the storm.

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Rins p.o.v:

The coronation was a success! Each guest came up individually and congratulated me on my success, they were also exited about what I could contribute to the kingdoms.
To say that I'm nervous would be the understatement of the century, as of standing I feel like my legs have been turned to jello while an earthquake was happening.
But with the support of my friends and family while also having the enormous amount of determination to make my father proud, I managed to survive until the end.

As I was walking back to my room I heard someone yell "Friendship pile!" before I was crushed by multipule body's. 
"Rin! I'm so happy for you, I feel like a proud parent." Kirara crushes me in a hug while somehow still being on top of the pile.

"Gah! Kirara move your fat ass we want to congratulate Rin as well, So stop being a hog!" Blaze attempts to push her off him while simultaneously trying not to hurt Sherbet who is under him, stuck between his and Rins bodys.   

I groaned in pain when I got elbowed in the stomach by Blaze, I looked and Amaimon who was just standing there watching this all unfold.

"Amai-Nii! Help me please!" I reach out my hand towards him hoping he would grab it and pull me out, instead he just choose to stand there and watch with a cheeky grin on his face.

"What's in it for me?" He twearled a lollipop in his fingers as he slowly walked towards me.
"I-I'll give you a week worth of candy, please! I'm sufoca-" I was cut short as he grabbed my hand and yanked me out of the 'friendship' pile.

"I'm expecting my payment at dinner."
He yawns and looks at the others squrming on the floor, attempting to get up.

"Ow! Blaze that's my f-foot not yours!"

"Sorry Sherbet! I would get off you if someone, decides to stop using us as a sofa!"
Blaze struggles to get Kirara of his back, he kicks, punches and even bites her untill she finally decides to move.

"Wow, what an uncomfortable sofa, I guess I need to replace it."
She smiles a sly grin at the fuming Blaze and an exhausted Sherbert.
The poor boy is not really the most energetic demon in the world, to him that's probably his weeks worth of exercise.

I then made the suggestion that we could probably move out of the hallway, seeing as the staff would start packing up the leftovers from the coronation.
"That would be wise, c'mon sugar let's go."
Blaze lifts the limp Sherbert over his shoulder as they make their way over to my bedroom.

On our way down the hall Amaimon tugs on my shirt lightly to get my attention.

"I was wondering if you knew the side affects if I stopped taking my pills?"

"The ones we got from the nurse 12 years ago, after Bermouth passing?"
He nodded.

"No actually, just that you should never stop taking them for some reason, why did you want to know?"
His passive face let's out a tired sigh.

"I don't know, it's just that I'm almost finished them again and it made me realize that she's never told us before."
I stopped in my tracks and placed my hand on my chin.

"You know that is kinda odd, we'll ask once we get them refilled, yeah?"

He says casually while he runs up to the others who are just ahead.
"Took you guys long enough! Now c'mon I wanna rematch against you rin."

Blaze places Sherberts body gently on my bed, making sure he's in a comfortable place before moving to set up our game.

You see games here on Gehenna are ran purely on magic, and depending on which type of demon or demons are playing, the game switch's.

For example, if Sherbert plays by himself he would get drifferent selections of paranormal and nature based games, seeing as he is a tree spirit.

But if Kirara and Blaze where to play together then their magic would fuse and create a whole new selections of games.
And since water plus fire would usually make ether a type of gas (steam) or hot liquid (boiling water), then the games to show up are based apon those elements.

But that is not really the case with me and Blaze, we are both primarily heat and fire based demons so our selection only really expands more to a certain point.

The game boots up and we place our hands on the controllers, conducting our magic through them and onto the holographic screen ahead of us.

It changed from it's original light blue background to a medium purple. (Red flames + blue flames.)
I scrolled and pressed play on a survival game which both me and Blaze get really competitive on.

Kirara and Amaimon shift behind us to get a better look on the screen.
"Fuck up his cockey ass Rin!"
Kirara cheers behind me, giving me a fearm grasp apon my shoulder.

"Bull shit, Kira you betrayed me for Rin how could you?"
Blaze fake gasps and slumps is head on the bed behind us.
"At least Amai is on my side, right?"
Blaze looks towards his friend with hopeful eyes.

"I don't really care to be honest, but I'll cheer you both on equally so I'll be on the winning team no matter what."
We both glare at him with equal rage and betrayal.

"I-I'm on team B-Blaze."
We all jumped out of our skins when a sudden voice came from behind.
Apparently Sherbert woke up and is now looking at us with tired eyes.

"If your still tired you should sleep more Sherb." I told him while spamming buttons trying to kill Blaze who's in front of me.

"N-Nah it's fine, ugh I hate having such low stamina."
He moves to sit in between both Amaimon and Kirara, who just elbows him in the ribcage lightly while sporting and small smile.

They where having their little interaction me and Blaze where toe to toe, both if us being really low on HP.
Their chatting stops once they hear the fimilar dieing sound emitting from the translucent screen.

"Hah! Take that Rin I win!
Blaze shouts joyfully as he gives Sherbert a high five.
"Oh shut up, you probably cheated!"
We all laughed at Blaze who began fuming.

But our little moment was destroyed once a knock was heard on the door and a maid peeked her head through the crack between the door.

"Um... Your highness you and Amaimon have been summoned by the king, he wants to meet in his quarters.
He also stated it was urgent."

A/N: it's 3 am as I'm wrighting this and in tired.
Good night/day everyone <3

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