Ch3: Brothers.

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Rins pov.

We began heading back to mine and Yuiko's place to grab my sword which I had so stupidly left out on the roof.
With Behemoth in one hand and Amaimon's hand in the other, we were off.

Just like before Amaimon jumped super high into the sky, but this time I wasn't scared, I rather liked this.
Being in the sky, outside and free, not having to worry about people leaving me because of what I am.

I look down and I see the roof coming into view, and luckily it was still there.
I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that I haven't been caught leaving it behind.

This time when we landed I didn't have to be picked up by Amaimon, but instead, I landed right beside him, not as gracefully but still.

With wobbly legs, we walk over to the weapon that I had left there.
I pick it up and let thumb slide over the sheath.
I turn back to my brother Amaimon and asked him where he wanted to go.
"Well, I am running low on candy so we should head there." He says while pulling out a lollipop from his pocket.
He grabbed out an extra one and a gummy bear.
He gave the gummy bear to Behemoth, who is still in my arms, then gave the other one to me, it tasted like strawberry and blackberry.

As we were about to head off again I hear the door to the rooftop open.
We both spun around to face whoever came on to the rooftop.
It was Yukio, I hear Behemoth growing he begins to struggle against me to get to Yukio, but just as I was about to drop him Amaimon takes him from my grasp and holds him tight, while glare daggers at Yukio who seems to has spotted us.

I was confused to why Amaimon and Behemoth were acting like this until I clicked.
They use Hobgoblins in most of there demonstrations, for they are one of the most common weakest demons.
I start to feel pity towards Amaimon, for years and years his kin has been killed just for show.
I wonder how many times Amaimon has seen his familiar and kin get killed by the hands of exorcists, now I don't even blame him for killing exorcists, hell I even fucking support it at this point.

"Rin! Get away from that demon now!" Yukio says while pulling out his gun and pointing it towards Amaimon and Behemoth.
"No, I don't think I want to," I say with a flat voice, I move closer to Amaimon and Behemoth so I'm standing side by side with him.

Amaimon seems amused at this with the corner of his lips pointing upwards a bit.
Behemoth is still a bit aggravated with Yuiko being here with us, but with Amaimons comfort, he slowly but surely calms down.
"What do you mean no? Rin he is a demon king, he is a threat and must be eliminated!" He raises his gun higher so it's pointed at his head.

Amaimon keeps a straight face and doesn't budge, he holds Behemoth closer, ready if anything happens.
It just goes to show that he does care for Behemoth and doesn't want to see him get hurt.

This show of affection makes me think back to when I and Yukio were kids, and how I would always put myself on the line if it meant that he would be safe.
Reflecting on it now, it made me realize that it was always me who did the protecting, I know that's what older siblings do, they protect their younger siblings but, whenever I needed help, whenever I reached out for a hand to grasp, there never was one.

"Put down the gun Yuiko, stop this nonsense," I say trying to reason with him, and through all of this, Amaimon didn't even look a bit afraid..... how?
He has a gun pointed to his head.

Yuiko stays quiet but glances between me and Amaimon never lowing the gun.
"What do you want Satan spawn?" Yuiko hisses at Amaimon.
Amaimon glances at me then Yuiko.
"Are you talking to me, Rin or yourself? We are all the spawn of Satan"
Amaimon asked looking confused, I try to stifle my laughter behind my hand but I couldn't hold it in.

I bet over grasping my stomach trying to control this laughing fit but it was no use.
"Stop laughing!" Amaimon shouted starting to get angry.
"I'm sorry brother, just what you said killed me." I wipe away the tears and look at Amaimon with a smile.
He didn't look amused at all, a small frown was plastered onto his face as he looks away, he hugs Behemoth tighter, the familiar snuggles into him trying to cheer him up.
Does he not like being laughed at? Even if it's not directed at him personally but at what he says, I guess I should keep that in mind.

I look back to were Yukio is, at least he has put the gun down.
He looks at Amaimon, his eyes flared with hatred and disgust.
He marches up to the both of us, at this point Amaimon is still upset but at least he is looking at us now, and not just at the floor.
Yukio grabs my arm and pulls me behind him away from Amaimon and Behemoth.

Amaimon tilts his head to the left to see me completely and gives me a confused look, but stays quiet.
Yukio's grip on my arm only tightens, as he sends Amaimon a deadly glare.
At least he's now acting like a real brother... But why now.
I look at Amaimon and send him a look that said 'I don't fucking know'.

"Can you let go of my little brother now? We were about to go get more candy." Amaimon asks a little upset that Yukio is gripping my arm so tightly.
"Your brother? No, he is my brother! And he's not going anywhere with the likes of you, come on Rin." Yuiko begins to pull me away.

No... I don't want to go back with you, I want to go back to the one person who cares for me, for who I am.

I shake my arm out of his grasp and I walk back to where I was standing earlier.
Yukio and Amaimon are shocked at first but then Yukios face morphs into anger.
"Why are you going to him! You barely even know him, he's a demon Rin, and demons shouldn't be trusted!" Yukio screams at me

I whip around and stomp right up to his face and say in the calmest voice I can manage.
"I may not have known Amaimon all my life, but within a couple of times I have met him like today, he's been more of a brother to me then you have all of my life.
And if demons aren't meant to be trusted then I guess I can't trust you, because you are the real demon here."

I turn back around and stand next to Amaimon, who is just standing there frozen.
"Did I cause this fight to happen, and if. I did I'm sorry" he looks at the ground avoiding eye contact.
I sigh and shake my head, "no this was a fight long in the making. Now how about we go to the candy store? I know a really good one." He perks up at the sound of candy and reverts into his childish self.
"Yeah! Can we go now?" He asks while Behemoth is bouncing up and down in his arm now that the conflict is over.
"Sure why not. And this time we walk, we don't want all of the exorcists to see us in the sky now do we?"
He shakes his head.
I grab his hand this time and lead him downstairs, past a glaring Yukio.

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