Luke's Story

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You were three years old

you had just pushed a boy named James over because he asked to be your friend.

no one can be friends with you though, because you don't want friends, you're happy on your own.

Now you're seven.

You had asked Sammie to be your girlfriend, but she said no. So you pulled her hair and called her a brat. you tell yourself you didn't want a girlfriend anyway, and besides, your not cool enough for Sammie anyway.

You're 13

you've started high school, but you don't have any friends, because all the other kids are scared of you. You don't care, you're better then them anyway. That's what you tell yourself, but really,  you're lonely . why can't they like you?

Your birthday is in two weeks, you'll be turning 16. your dad asks if you want your friends to come over for you birthday. what can you say to him, that your a loner?  so you don't have friends? but you can't say that, so you smile and nod, you tell him everyone will be there.

It's been two days since that conversation with your dad, but you haven't left your room. You now feel worthless, ashamed, annoying, disgusting, fat..The list goes on and on..

Your birthday comes and goes. But in those two weeks, you haven't left your room. Your parents are worried, but you don't care. You've just printed your wrist with fresh scars. they help you with the pain.

Is been a month, you wake up,  go to school, go home.  you're not eating properly. The scars are on your other arm now too.

6 months later, Tonight's the night. you're finally going to do it. You've written a note, telling your parents you love them and that your sorry, but this is how it had to be. 'just forget I was ever here' you write. 'you'll be happier then'.

Your dad walls into your room the next morning, he finds you dead on your bedroom floor, you've overdosed on pills...

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