25. Trapped {part two}

Start from the beginning

"You've taken everything I love away from me," she snapped, voice cracking. She fought back the tears that threatened to leak. "Nothing will ever be 'just fine' again. And you're kidding yourself if you think I'll ever enjoy your company. I can't stand being around you. You make me sick."

"Now we're getting somewhere." He smirked, reaching out to catch a lock of her hair in his fingers. "I like it when you're honest with me, Princess, but I can't have you running your mouth like that, either. And if you want to keep your 'innocence' intact, I suggest you start keeping some of your thoughts to yourself. Things will go better for you if you don't fight what's going to happen."

Stricken with an aggressive surge of fear, Skye recoiled, pulling herself as far away from Johnny as she possibly could with her restrictions. "What do you want from me, Johnny?" Her voice was small and weak, showing fear she wanted so desperately to hide. "Why are you doing this?"

He leaned in, cupped her face in his hands, and pressed their foreheads together, sighing. "I just want you, Skylar. I've always wanted you." He brushed his lips over hers, inhaling. "Everything I've done has been for you."

She whimpered, blinking back tears. "No, stop—"

"Shh, don't worry, Princess—it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you."

"Please—" she croaked, trying to pull away. "Don't." Bitter sobs shook her body as Johnny pressed his lips against hers and kissed her, invading a boundary she wished he hadn't. She had to fight the urge to gag, repulsed by Johnny's sick tongue probing its way into her mouth. Her stomach lurched at his taste, so bitter, so vile, she could hardly bear it.

When he finally pulled his lips away, Skye gasped for air, choking on the aftermath of his aggression. "Johnny," she whispered, mentally slapping herself for how weak and insecure she was being. "Please—don't touch me. Not like that."

He frowned, gave his head a little shake. "I'm sorry, Skye—but I've wanted to be with you for so long. It's not easy for me to hold myself back, especially with you right here, so close to me." He pushed himself onto the bed, placing himself above her. "And besides, it's not like you've been very respectful to me in the past. Things could be much worse; I could be making you do things you're not ready for, or hurting you—but I'm not. I'm being merciful, instead." He nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck, breathing heavy. "You should be grateful."

She shivered, feeling his teeth graze her soft, tender skin. "I-I am grateful," she lied. It wasn't entirely a lie though; she was grateful he hadn't made her do anything she wasn't ready for—this time. But then again, he'd already abused her too many times for her to trust that he'd really be able to hold himself back if the time came. "I-I'm sorry—I guess I'm just afraid." She swallowed hard, biting back what she really wanted to say. She had to be strong now; she had to fight for her own freedom. And maybe—if she told Johnny what he wanted to hear—she'd have a chance at winning this battle.

It was the only hope she had left.

"It's okay, Princess. I know this is all must be very strange for you." He nipped at a soft spot, pressed his lips against the skin. "But everything will be okay. I promise."

She closed her eyes, fighting the urge to cry out. His touch created an overwhelming feeling of disgust, making her skin crawl. "Can I ask you something?"

He smiled against her skin. "Anything."

Her heart was pounding, but she tried to calm herself down, too afraid that if she didn't keep herself together she'd later regret it. She had no choice but to fake trust in him. "Why?" Her voice wavered, and she cleared her throat. "Why do you want me so badly? Why do all of this just . . . to have me?"

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