Chapter 13- Worthy of Love

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     As they slipped into their coats, Preston felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Not wanting Darcy to know he somehow managed to get a signal, he excused himself under the guise of a bathroom break. If she knew he had service out here, she might assume he would turn her in to the police no matter what he promised last night. After all the progress they had made, he did not want to do anything to jeopardize what he hoped was developing between them.

Slipping into the dingy restroom, he leaned against the wall and retrieved his phone. After noting the multitude of missed calls from his mother, he found several texts from Laura, and a smile toyed with his lips as he read them. She really is the best.

Dec. 22nd 8:03 am- Well, Pres...I found Darcy on the Facebook, and if you think I'm calling the police and having them arrest've got another thing coming. I've decided that my Christmas gift to you is NOT doing what you say. I recommend you take advantage of this and fall in love with her. She's perfect.

Dec. 22nd 9:17 am- Ok, so mom knows something's up. I told her you're fine, but she is insisting I tell her where you are. Don't worry...your secret's safe with me. I will carry it to my grave if I have to. JK LOL! I wouldn't go that far, but my lips are definitely sealed.

Dec. 22nd 10:31 pm- I always knew mom didn't have a sense of humor, but...WOW! If she ever does figure out where you are I'm afraid she'll make Darcy spend the rest of her life slammed in the slammer. We must have got our charm and sense of humor from dad because it doesn't exist in her genes.

Dec. 23rd 8:25 am- I am officially grounded for the foreseeable future. You owe me big time...this had better be worth it!

Dec. 23rd 9:58 am- Well...a blizzard is blowing in, so there won't be any Christmas play...Boo! They're postponing it a week. Maybe you can bring Darcy when you come to see it ;)

Dec. 23rd 10:08 am- I'm sure you're not answering because the reception is in the toilet in that hinky-dink town, but I'm literally dying to know how things are going. If you get this...please...give me an update. Let me know the sacrifice of my freedom is worth it.

She is so melodramatic...she'll be great in that play. He smiled as he sent her a quick text back.

'Hey, Sis! Thanks for ignoring me. Good call. I think...or at least hope things are going well here. If everything goes how I'd like it to, I'll bring Darcy to your play next week. Sorry I can't be there for you this year. Merry Christmas!'

Almost instantly, he received a response.

Dec. 23rd 1:18 pm- Yippee! Don't worry about me. You can make it up to me by letting me stay with you and Darcy over Christmas break next year :)

Pushing the phone back in his pocket, he bit back a smile at the confidence Laura had. She seemed to truly believe this would all work out in the end, and he prayed she was right. When he stepped out into the hall, he found Darcy waiting with her coat draped over her arm and beads of perspiration forming on her forehead. She smiled up at him as he approached, and his heart fluttered in his chest. Her sapphire eyes sparkled, and he wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and kiss her...mistletoe or not. Who cared what that old battle-ax at the other end of the room thought of them?

He satisfied himself with brushing a curl from her glistening forehead. "You ready to go?" he whispered, not wanting another reprimand from Hagatha...though it surely wasn't her name, it fit her like a glove.

She nodded and they walked through the double doors and out onto the street. He noticed her coat still hanging from her arm while her breath hung in the air in front of her. "Do you want me to hold your coat while you slip into it?" He placed a hand on her arm. "It's pretty chilly out here."

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