bekka X stephanie (gXg imagine)

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The raven haired girl stands in the dark room with shaking hands. She has never been so scared. Stephanie was about to tell the woman she was in love with about her feelings. The only problem is that the original was straight. Steph knew this would ruin her friendship with the blonde girl, but at this time she doesn't care.  She had just learned about the supernatural world a week ago. She took the time she had to process everything. Her bestfriend Nik had felt too guilty to keep her in the dark any longer. He didn't know why he felt so connected to her...he didn't feel romance or lust, he felt genuine care and friendship. He didn't think for a second how the truth would effect her relationship with his sister, who he could tell was in denial about her feelings for the human.                                                                                                                                                  Steph's thoughts were caught short as she sees the door to her bedroom open slightly. "Bekks?" she questioned. "Its me" that short response was enough to have the humans heart flutter.             "please come in, we need to talk." The butterflies were growing more and more by the second. the blonde takes a seat next to Steph. "what about? how are you taking in all of this information?"  Steph shakes her head and ignores her friends question. "I have to tell you something...I don't want you to say anything until im done. I like you. I like you in a way that I cannot explain. I know you don't feel the same and you probably hate me right now but I needed to tell you."                                                                                                                                                                  The The vampire didn't know what to say. she was overcome with this feeling of happiness and relief. She had grown rather fond of the young girl rather quickly but hid her feelings in shame. Finally the truth can come out. "I do not know why or how, But I have feelings for you too. You are the only girl ive ever felt attracted towards in this way." Neither girl knew what to say next, So the human took the original into her embrace and looked into her eyes. for a moment it felt as though they were the only people left on earth. Rebekah looked down at the mortal girls lips and took her chance. In her thousands of years, this was her first kiss to a woman and she loved it. They both felt nothing but sparks. They knew that once this moment was over they would have a lot of things to talk about and to explain to the others, But in this moment they did not care. They only cared for this moment.

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