• | brought to her love

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A host of angels dancing in a storm
Define the dance which never takes a form
Who is that bridge brought to her love today?
The moon has fetched its gold piled on a tray
Your destiny will shoot its arrows now
The ship will cut the waters with its prow.

- Rumi, The Dance


Winter 1859

Cloverville, Central Louisiana
Annual Ball

Elijah strolled around the ballroom, looking for his brother in the crowds of rich gentlemen and fancy ladies. It wouldn't be too difficult to find Klaus, knowing his proclivity to indulge himself in ladies and boisterous talks.

The younger brother previously had made him aware of the conspiracy that had them on the edge for months. Some frivolous attempts to make the elder Original vulnerable with an undistinguished prophecy.

Klaus had spent a month leaving the safe havens of New Orleans for the other town where everything happened on a large scale and similarly, a plot was being schemed with quite an armour.

Their longtime friend and a strong ally, Sharel Beauchêne, resided in this little countryside and had agreed to help them in the best possible way to get rid of the threats, with an advantage of her line descending from a long line of seers.

The group was larger than they had anticipated and the elderly woman had given them information of its whereabouts. The powerful Beauchêne witch had left New Orleans after she lost her husband and daughter-in-law to a brutal conspiracy and in accordance, moved to this small place near Alexandria to protect her grandchild from the same fate.

Klaus chose to accompany Elijah for a reason the younger Mikaelson was unwilling to disclose. He didn't want to prolong the process of eliminating the messengers longer than necessary and so far, it was proving to be quite difficult.

Away from the commotion of the ball, a girl gazed at various people with her brown eyes, accessing their movements. Her hand immediately went up her hair to make sure the red roses stayed in place.

She had agreed to attend this event at the request of her grandmother, who wanted her to meet a gentleman. For a girl of only twenty-one summers, she was termed a rebel for following in her father's footsteps. While the matriarch was proud of the fact that her granddaughter was known for her book-keeping accomplishments, the right man might prove to be a good ally and greatest companion.

While the initial meeting between her and the gentleman she was to know did not go well, she was certain it had something to do with her 'eccentric' life choices as he very well put it in one word. The man tested her patience with every sentence that came spouting out of his mouth.

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