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《Hoseok's phone》

Hoseok: hey kook this is you right?

???: uhm..

Hoseok: is this the wrong number?

???: maybe..

Hoseok: come on kook stop joking around

Hoseok: i really need your help with this project

???: im not joking around

???: this isn't tae

???: you got the wrong no.

Hoseok: oh im very sorry hope i didnt bother you

???: its okay you acc made me less bored

???: can we still chat?

Hoseok: i dont even know you...?

???: then dont tell me your name too

Hoseok: how is that supposed to work?

???: lets be just chat buddies

Hoseok: uhm

Hoseok: but how old are you? i wouldnt want to chat with a 50 yr old pedo

???: oh sorry im 19 years old hbu?

Hoseok: oh im 18 hehe

???: are you sure?

Hoseok: i should be the one asking u that

???: well im sure that im a normal 19 year old guy

Hoseok: me too

Hoseok: wait ur a guy?!

???: uh yeah whats wrong?

Hoseok: i acc thought im speaking to a girl a while ago

???: you cant just assume genders like that

Hoseok: sorry

???: btw go talk to "kook" now

???: it seems like you really need to finish that project

Hoseok: oh haha yeah bye ttyl

Hoseok: 🙋
Hey guys sorry that was too short but that's just the beginning so the next ones will be longer love ya (to whatever inhuman organism reading these)!♡

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