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I WAS FREQUENTLY and subconsciously flirting with Marlon and I always realized it after what ever stupid shit came out of my mouth. I was in no way shape or form attracted to him, I just have a flirtatious side that comes out from time to time. Pissing Marlon off in any way has become one of my favorite hobbies, and making him uncomfortable has become one of my new interests. Going over it in my head after the fact, to the regular human eye or ear it would look like I was try to get at him, but it could be assured I was not.

I was sitting in my bed while looking at furniture for Marlon's home since it looks like a dump, and I practically begged on my knees for him to let me decorate it. He is literally a millionaire, probably a billionaire for all I know, and had cobwebs and old furniture all around his house. There are a lot of weird things I have picked up about Marlon, but I don't have the time or interest to worry about it. While adding couches and other decor to the basket, to my surprise Marlon's name popped up in my screen. What has the world come to? He's actually using his phone!

"Hel-" I was quickly interrupted by Marlon's deep voice, that kind of held an old timer accent, but still had a young tone to it.

"Savannah, what are all these boxes doing at my front step?" He kind of yelled into the phone.

"Marlon, you don't have to fucking yell, just cause the phone is not big as fuck like a house phone doesn't mean the mic is any different," I huffed into the phone and rolled over in the bed continuing to scroll down the IKEA site, "And that is some of the furniture I got you to buy for your house, just bring it in your living room and leave it alone, I'll be over in a few minutes."

I could hear him sigh deeply and chuckle, "Why do I feel like you're taking over my life?"

"Cause I practically am." I say in a duh-tone and hang up the phone since he hates when I do that.

Putting on some leggings, tennis shoes, and grabbing a pull over just incase it got cold, I leave out of my house and head right next door to Marlon's. Approaching the steps I see him walk out and grab another box and glance at me. He rolls his eyes at the wide smile on my face and I decide to help him. I pick up a medium size box and walk backwards through the door frame, and ram into Marlon's brick hard body in the process.

"Settle down there, cherry" he rushes out while wrapping his arm around me and the box. Our bodies were being pushed together, and I couldn't help but take in the feeling of his body on my backside. A grown man's body on your backside. I quickly jumped away and looked up and smiled.

"Sorry, I'm clumsy as fuck." I gripped the box tighter and moved past him into his house.

As I sat the box down I could hear Marlon's big feet walking down the hallway, "I got the rest, just hang in here."

"But Marlon that's a lot of stuf-" I look up at him and try to move past him. He smiled at me and grabbed my shoulders, pushing me down on the kitchen chair.

"It's no sweat, I think I got it, toots," I roll my eyes at his stupid name he calls me and cross my arms, he looks at my reacting and laughs,"Such a teenager."

As I'm thinking of a reply he's already walking down the hallway to get the rest of the boxes from outside. I pull my laptop out of my bag, and pull up the shopping cart I have for Marlon.

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