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We shopped for Marlon's peculiar but alluring clothing for hours before I dragged him to the Apple Store for a phone he claims he doesn't need. His protest made no sense, everyone needs a phone, how do you process without one. With multiple eye rolls he finally gave in, saying he was curious to see why I was so obsessed over my "square device". Of course the curiosity he claimed he had, didn't peak out not one bit.

Walking into the tech store, Marlon looked all but amused at the technology that surrounded him and it astounded me. All the the new and over priced electronics that were stored in these facilities always excited me when I visited.

"Are you not excited to be like me, Marlon?" I teased him, nudging his side gently. He looked at me and smirked at my attempt at a taunt.

"How can I be excited to buy something that I have never heard of?" He says looking around as an attempt to seem interested.

I hummed and looked at him, "Again, you're strange and crazy for that reasoning. Have you been locked in a prison for the past decade?"

"Of course not, I'm just up to date on these kinds of things."

"You sound like my dad." I groaned and walked away from him to start our appointment. I picked out everything for Marlon due to his lack of knowledge on the subject. He didn't have a phone number, didn't know the area code, or the fucking zip code let alone. Two long hours later we walked out with a brand new phone and a unimpressed Marlon.

While trying to give him tips on using it he focused more on my car than my lesson, which aggravated me to lengths. "Looks like we should have gotten you a car instead of an phone." I sneered giving up on helping him.

"Probably so, seems more useful." He nonchalantly says clearly not picking up on my attitude at all, "Can I drive?"

My eyes widened, thinking about all the things that could go wrong if gave him control of my fucking baby. "Please, Savannah I haven't driven in so long!" He pleaded grasping my hands gently.

"Exactly, what if we crash? What if you forgot how to do something? What if I get pulled over with a twenty-seven year old man in my car?"

He groaned loudly leaning his head back against the passenger seat, "Come on Savannah you pest, it'll come back to me just like riding a bike, and stop being a candy ass!"

"You think calling me a pest and whatever a candy ass will convince me to let you drive my car?" I let out a few fake laughs before sticking the key in the ignition prepared to drive us home. Until I felt his hand my thigh and my eyes met his. "Come on, I was just bugging you, please?" He gave me that damn smirk and I gave in.

To say I regretted my decision to let Marlon drive my car would be an understatement. To explain things the mall is fifteen minutes from my house, but we made it back in five. He drove civilized the first few minutes, until he got the hang of it and took things into his own hands, including the laws of driving. He ran all the stops signs, ignored speed humps, and didn't even try to slow down on his turns.

"We made it, how'd I do?" He smiled at me knowing that I was shook up. Choosing to ignore his question I grabbed his new phone that he could care less about and placed it in his hand.

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