Hullo, an introduction from the narrator and other such things.

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Hullo! I'm not very good with introductions so I guess I should start off with telling you that I am the narrator. The story I am about to tell you is about a girl. For most of her life, she has felt like an outcast. People would always step on her as if she were a rug, not knowing how talented and unique she was. Would you believe me if I said that one of these people were her father? Indeed it's true, in fact, some people would consider him to be the reason why she acts the way she does. For years, he would abuse her mentally and physically. Some people might even compare her to a slave since whenever she isn't punched, kicked or thrown through a table he would make her clean or cook for him. Where is the mother, you ask? Dead. There is no other way to put it. Sad, I know. It had happened when the girl was only 6 on a stormy night. The worst part of it all was that when cops discovered her body and investigated the scene, they couldn't find out how she died. It's been 10 years. It's been 10 years and the girl has never felt so alone. Every night she looks out her window at all of the stars and wishes, for one thing, to have one single friend. Just one. She wanted to have someone to comfort her throughout the hard times. To have someone that loved reading as much as she did. To have someone that let her be herself and not be so fake. "Maybe, just maybe if I had someone then I wouldn't be so sad all the time," She thought. Little did she know that her mother was watching her from up above and she wouldn't allow her daughter to be tortured by the beast she was to call father. She shouldn't have to feel so alone and feel like she was a mistake when she wasn't. She shouldn't have to be cutting herself just so she can feel a bit better. Her mother was right there, begging the poor girl to stop, trying to convince her that she was more than just a slave or a rug that people could step on. If only the girl could hear. I certainly could and let me tell you, it was saddening. If only the girl could see her mother right next to her 24/7 crying right with her. There wasn't much the mother could do other than watch. She wanted to scream to the girl that if she just waited a little longer than she would find a friend. 'Just wait, he's coming soon and eventually all this pain will go away and you will smile once again', the mother said. I guess now is the time to mention that this soon to be friend was not ordinary either. Some people might call him weird, perplexing, queer but there is a more fitting term that his kind use, peculiar. She was peculiar as well, she just didn't know it. But I'm ruining the story, aren't I?

Nobody wants that.

Whelp, here's a new story that you guys never asked for.I'd really like to dedicate this story to my friend @tigerlilycorinne since she is so awesome, cooooool and  she kinda inspired me to write this without really noticing. So if you're reading this, I just want to let you know that you are so awesome!!!!!

Anyways, I know I know, I need to update my other stories but I just really wanted to write this. I kinda got inspired by The Book Theif and how death was the narrator in that book so I wanted to make an introduction similar to that. Most of the chapters won't actually be in this mysterious person's Pov though although I will write some chapters like this. I am actually super proud of this first chapter surprisingly. I mean it took a lot of trial and errors but hey with enough procrastination I eventually did it! Okay, I have to go update my other story before people start bringin' the pitchforks and fire.


                                                                                                                                           Me! =3

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