12/ Part 2

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Your pov

Kat and Devyn took their car and we took our rental following them the way there. After half an hour Claudia, Megan, and I parked down the street when kat and Devyn pulled up in the driveway. They went in first to make sure the boys were all home. While they went in I decided to text Colby just incase I was making a mistake being here.

You: Hey Colby it's me, could we possibly talk, sometime?

Colby: um am I supposed to know you?

"No he didn't" Megan said looking over my shoulder

Before I could respond Kat came outside, I showed her the text and she just looked at me.

"you sure you want to do this" I just nodded my head

She snuck us in and up the stairs so we could hear what they were talking about but we wouldn't come down until I thought the time was right. She told Aaron we were here and that if someone comes up the stairs to hide in his room.

Then we heard Devyn start to talk to the boys.
When out of know where I get a message from Elton.

Elton: congrats on moving out here girly can't wait to see you...also saw you guys sneak in😉

You: shhhh

Elton: 👍🏽

Then Devyn started.
"Ok so welcome to the intervention. Kat and I called for this meeting so we could all talk to Colby together. Kat want to start?"

"Alright first things first, Colby why are you ignoring y/n she looked upset when she asked about you today and we ignored her questions."

"Who? I don't know who you are talking about."

After hearing those words come out of his month I texted Devyn.

You: I'm coming.

And I did exactly that I ran down the stairs loudly, causing them all to look in our direction when I stopped right in front of Colby

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE COLBY BROCK!" "Wait lets ask the room.. Who are you? You're someone who takes a girl on an amazing date, made her feel special for one of the first times in her life and caused her to fall in love with you then completely cut her out of your life! Why because, you were scared of falling, of long distance? of the hate?  What was it you dick?!?!" 

Once those words came out of my mouth they were all looking at me, I slapped my hands over my mouth as tears pricked my eyes. But as they all stared at me I said - 
"Take a picture, to freeze this moment in time." Then I grabbed Claud's and Megan by their arms and walked out of the house straight to my car, and started crying.

Colby's pov

"What..just...happened?..Kat...Devyn..you brought her here? Why would you do that??"

"Ahhh Ha Ha Ha, that's my Youtube daughter!" Elton yelled 

"Elton not the best time!" Corey said

"Yes, but no, Colby she wanted to come and wouldn't take no for an answer." Kat said.

"Elton can you go check on her? Her cars parked on the street. I texted her and she's waiting for you." Kat said

"Ya I'm going."

"Wait but did y'all hear what came out of her mouth?" Colby said putting his hand on his head

"Yep, dude your screwed...or maybe not I'm sure she doesn't want to see you ever again now." Brennen said.


"Colby what happened? Between you two?" Jake asked

"She has a boyfriend.."

"No she doesn't!" Kat said

"Ya she does look at this photo she posted a week after we left."


"See told ya!"

"That's a zoomed in photo of the lunch dates she goes on with all her friends once a month. We're did you get this photo?" Kat asked

"A fan sent it to me."

"You trusted a fan? Here give me your phone, look at this photo the same photo not zoomed in and on her IG. There are 4 dudes and 9 girls."

"Omg....I'm an idiot"

"Oh damn! Colby messed up real bad." Jake said.

"How, how can I make it up to her?

"I'm not sure if we can help you Colby, 5 months is a long time and I think until today she still liked you." Devyn said.

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