9/ Surprise date!?

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Suddenly there was a series of knocks on my door.

"Hello Ladies haha" I said while opening the door to find Kat and Devyn in my hallway.

"What is the plan for our girl's day?" I asked

"Well..." Kat and Devyn said looking at each other.

"What?" I said confused

"We may or may not have lied to you ... we aren't actually going on a girls day...butttt we are taking you to get pampered because The Colby Brock is  taking you on a mystery date tonight!!" Devyn said.

"Sorry? He's doing what?" I said

"Can confirm you aren't dreaming, this is really happening right now!"

-time skip-
"Hey guys it's y/n and welcome back to y/c/n! Today I am here with Kat and Devyn! Their links will be in the the description below and we are headed to mall to find me an outfit for this very special date Colby apparently has planned for me!? I know I am just as shocked as you are right now.  I'm not going to show you much as I want the reveal to be awesome so I will catch you guys in a few hours" 

We went to many stores: forever 21,  Guess, Nordstrom, Garage and Hudson Bay. But We finally found something!
~~~back at my place~~~
When we arrived back at my place we laid out the dress and I had Devyn do my makeup while Kat did my hair! The outfit we had picked out was definitely hot, not my usual go to but I really like it, 

 But We finally found something!~~~back at my place~~~When we arrived back at my place we laid out the dress and I had Devyn do my makeup while Kat did my hair! The outfit we had picked out was definitely hot, not my usual go to but I really like ...

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The outfit was mostly from Nordstrom and I decided to dress it down with some black platform converse.

I am actually living for this outfit! After about an hour of doing my hair the door bell rang. I went to open the door when Kat stopped me and said I should finish getting ready while she gets the door. So I walked back to the bathroom and kept doing my hair. Knowing I would be coming back home after my date I decided to let Kat and Devyn sleepover so we can talk all about it when I get home and with my parents still out of town someone needs to be here to make sure the house doesn't burn down.

Once I finish up I grabbed my phone and wallet and put them in my purse, then I walked out to the living room were Kat, Devyn, Colby ,Marcus and Dylan were talking and they all looked up at me, well all except Dylan he was staring at his phone.

"WOW Loving the outfit sis!" Marcus said. I smiled at him.
Then Colby got up and walked towards me putting out his hand... "shall we go?" He said.

"I guess, where we going?"

"That's a Surprise" he said then out the door we went.
I am unsure how long we had been driving for but It was long enough that I had fallen asleep in the car (my car) Colby then went over a bump and I woke up.

"Oh god we are still in the car"

"Don't worry we are about 5ish minutes away now ."

I looked around and noticed where we were.

"Why are we in Niagra?"

"Because we are.."

"Colby I'm Canadian I've been to the falls thousands of times."

"Ya but we aren't going to the falls."

"We are going to walk up falls Ave and go into all the haunted houses, arcades, the Hershey factory, but first dinner!." And that's exactly what we did I also bought a Niagra hoodie and sweats so I could wear them over top of my dress on the way back as I knew it was going to get cold.

After 5hours of fun and memories we got back into the car and I passed out.

Colby pov
We were on the outside of Toronto when I noticed how late it was, I looked over at  y/n and she was passed out. I too was starting to get very tired so I decided to stop at the four seasons on the way into the city and book a room for us for the night, then drive back in tomorrow. We got to the hotel and I picked y/n up into a piggy back then carried her up to our room. Thanks to my exhaustion I accidently booked one bed instead of two.

I put y/n down on the bed and put the covers over top of her, then I climbed in next to her. She shifted and moved her head so it was on my chest, so I decided to wrap my arms around her and next thing I knew I was out cold.

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