"The heavier, the steardier, only for you," he playfully sang back to her. He then kisses her cheek and walked over past his two sons, Lucious and Creston.

"If you don't come back to the table out of breath, with cuts and bruises all over you, than you don't deserve to eat!," he said to them, with a smile and a look of pride on his face.

The Willhough family has known our family for a few years now. They moved here to try and find more country land, perfect for family life. We just happened to live in the estate next to theirs.

"You boys almost done beating each other up over there? I'd like enjoy looking at your faces when we have lunch in a few minutes," my mom said with a smile. I looked over at her and said

"haha...don't worry mom, we have plenty of ointment just in case." She just looked at me funny, shook her head and went back to putting the food down the middle of the tables.

Now then, everything is set up for lunch. Me and my sister Jane, along with the Willhoughs daughter, Crestine, who just happens to be the same age as my sister, go run along to where the boys are chasing after each other. All of us girls run over to the boys, and we all start playfully pushing the boys around. The boys don't pay attention at first, so we all hold onto each others hand, forming a circle, and then start pushing all of the boys together in the middle of us.

I hear screaming and laughing from my sister and Crestine. I'm laughing myself, with my brothers and the Willhough brothers trying to act all tough. We don't have a very strong grip, and let's face it, our brothers are stronger than us by like 10 times. They all grunt, pushing through our arms, and Jane and Crestine fall to the ground, screaming like they are falling down a cliff. I manage to roll away from the heap of things, and look back at them.

"I think I've broken something," Sylus said, pulling something out from underneath him, and realizes it's just a celery stick he had in his pants pocket.

"No, you are going to be the one who only has water, haha!  Give me that!," Johanus gets up and chases after Sylus who runs to the table for lunch. We all help each other up and head over, to have a bite to eat as well.

We all finish our lunch, yummy tortillas with fresh tomatoes with lettuce from our garden, along with home grown alfalfa, curtousy of me.  My sister Jane makes the best foods though, way better than me.  She tells me over and over that she can never make a salad like me though, I can't argue with her on that.  It is true.  I do make the best salads. 

We head over to the gazebo. My dad starts playing his guitar. My mom and Shelley just sit and listen, while Troy pulls out a flute, gets up from his seat, and starts playing while dancing around. I cannot pass this up, so I get up and start dancing too.  I do a few twists, leaning my arms down and coming back up, flinging my leg up behind me. My long white dress flowing every which way that I move.

Everyone else joins in, just having a grande old time. Jane starts dancing with Creston, jumping around each other, poking fun at one another. Lucious however, who was 25, a few years older than me, preferred just swaying back and forth. I could see him out of the corner of my eye, walking towards me. If he wants to dance, than I'll dance with him. I don't normally turn down guys when they want to dance with me.  There was no way I was going to turn down Lucious anyways, I like him, but no one knows that. 

"Would you like to dance with a partner?,"he asked with a nervous expression written all over his face.

"But of course," I reply with a smile. I tie my hair into a side ponytail, and Lucious hands me a flower that he had hidden by him while he was walking over to me.

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