Chapter 2 Myst

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I've never seen a flower like this before. It reflected the light like a cyrstal prysm, taking form of many colors, like a rainbow. For it being so small, and to cause so many rips in a thing like a hat, surprised me. I pushed myself up from falling over, still holding onto my hat, and walked over to get a closer look at this flower. I kneel down.

"After falling twice I need a rest,", I say to myself. "I don't usually fall this much either." I can't help but laugh. "I'm a coordinated person. I'm a dancer, and a runner. I've tried showing people many times over and over dances I've wanted to do, and not once I ever slipped up and fell over." I say this with a serious expression looking down gazing into the flower. I realize I'm talking to myself.

"Hehe, I'm talking to myself again", I say with a laugh. No harm in it, I think, it's just my different way of thinking is all.

I put my hat on to keep out the cooler breeze that has just suddenly came through. There are alot of breezes in this meadow. This waterfall makes it feel colder than it really is. Yeah, that's it, it's just the waterfall sending chills up my back. I wish I had my crocheted over jacket, and someone to hold, then that would warm me up. I giggle.

I lean down even closer this time, caressing the flower in my hand. As soon as I touched the slick, smooth stem of the flower, a silver myst shot out and it went all over my face. The myst felt like tiny droplets of sand, not dry but not completely wet either. It was a refreshing feeling, kind of like stepping into a sauna. Instead of hot, it was cool, and icy, like walking outside your front door on the first snowy day of the year.

It smelled exotic, sweet like Vanilla, strong like cactus flowers, and spicy like mountain air. It's so hard to describe, since I have never smelled anything like it. It took me by surprise. I enhaled deeply, shocked at what just came from this flower, and I felt an extremely heavy feeling on my eyelids. Then, seconds later, they falling into a deep sleep.

I started dreaming about the last time I felt this way. I haven't been, nor felt like this in so long. I feel so carefree in my mind and so lighthearted and happy in my heart. The last time I remember feeling like this was before the war happened, before Lucious was taken from me, and before almost all of the land was destroyed by the rebels. I still remember it like it was yesterday.

Me and my family were enjoying a nice day out with another family. We all just arrived at a big gazebo out in a open field. At the time, there were open fields, free of chemicals and filled with animals here and there, everywhere.

As soon as the vehicles stopped, all the boys, being boys, ran out first thing and started chasing each other. That left us ladies to get the food, like usual. We got our baskets and picnic table cloths and walked over to the tables outside of the gazebo.

"I can smell the stir fry from all the way over here!," shouted my brother Johanus. "It better not taste like grass!"

"Dude, I'll just eat yours for you then," my other brother Sylus said to him, "You can just have water."

"Since you said that Johanus, you can just eat the grass you are running on!," my sister Jane said laughing.

He ran after the rest of the boys, and my sister came over to where me and my mom were laying out the cloths over the tables. We set down the 2 big vases with fresh picked flowers in them, to keep the wind from blowing the cloth away. We set our baskets down at the ends, and placed our ceramic plates along the sides of the tables. My sister and I hand painted each of the plates, down to the very last leaf of the lily flowers.

Mrs. Shelly Willhough was helping us bring over wooden chairs for her husband, Troy, my mom Liara and Galem, my dad.

"These seats are pretty heavy, for only being fold up," she said to her husband with a smile on her face.

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