XXXIII - Only One You

Start from the beginning

I looked at her thinking that would be a good idea

But Nancy's statement held me back

"I'd like to, but we will just waste our time. She has already decided to marry him. Maybe she really loves the guy"

Jennie shook her head "You're still so unselfish Dabin. You know what, if a Kim Jisoo didn't exist, I would have ended up with you"

"Pabo!" I said slapping her head


"Kim Jisoo loves you so much. And you two are perfect for each other"

"I know. I'm just saying. You know how much I love her too. That's why I married her"

"I'm really happy for the both of you.. Now take me to the airport. I don't want to miss my flight" I said as I get on the front seat

"Aish! That's what I was planning to do" said Jennie as she gets in the car

I chuckled "Why on earth would you want me to miss my flight?"

"Because I want you to get her back, do you hear me?" Jennie's bossy tone echoed in my ear

"I don't. To the airport please"


Nancy's POV

Brenda unnie and the girls already went to the cathedral where the wedding will be held

While I'm here waiting for mom and dad to fetch me

"Aenaen?" dad said as he knocked on the  opened door

"Dad, I'm ready" I said as I stood up

"Can I have a second with you, princess?"

God knows how much I've missed him calling me that way

"S-sure, dad. What is it about?" I sat back in

He held my hand and said "First of all I just want to say you look so beautiful, honey"

I smiled slightly trying to hold back my tears "Thanks, dad"

"And I'm so sorry for dragging you into this. You shouldn't be the one carrying all the burden" he said as a tear fell on his cheek

"Dad, it's ok. I'm doing this not just for you, but also for mom and unnie" I said wiping away his tears "Running away will only benefit me. And I can't just leave you hanging"

"I really am sorry, princess" he said pulling me into his arms

"Sshh. It's ok, dad. You know I'd do anything for you. I could always get a divorce if I want to, right?"

He chuckled "Silly woman! I love you, princess."

"I  love you too, dad"


Yeonwoo's POV

Silence swallowed us on our way to the airport

Jennie just focused on driving

While me... I couldn't help but reminisce all the memories I've had with Nancy

From the moment I've met her..

"Are you dumb?"

"Y-yes. Thank you. No- I-i mean thanks for picking up my phone. I-i'm Nancy, by the way. I- uh, I just transferred to this school"

"Oh cool. Welcome to MMLD University"

"T-thank you"


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