And she? She was left to sit here, trapped. Trapped in a marriage to a man whose intent was to use her to bear his children. Hadn't he already succeeded anyway? Wasn't she already pregnant? It was most likely the first of many pregnancies to come for she couldn't avoid Race forever. Surely a time would come when he would remember he was indeed married, and would barge into her room to either force himself on her, or to seduce her. Whatever the case may be, she would be unable to resist him.

She couldn't resist him...

Bianca hated to admit it, but she longed for yet another night of pleasure. She longed for it, and there were times her body ached for it. She knew she could only ignore her desires for so long as well. He would have his way with her, and she would get pregnant again. Then, he would return to her sister until he desires to sire yet another child.

A mere breeder...

It was all she meant to him. Not a wife. Not a companion. Not a lover. A breeder.

The thought angered her. Rising to her feet, she pulled the cord to summon a maid, and began slipping out of her dress even before the maid arrived. She wouldn't stay trapped in this room forever. She wouldn't stay trapped while her husband and sister stabbed her in the back. She wouldn't stay trapped, and watch her life pass away in a blur, her mind losing track of time.

"The pink one." She ordered once the maid arrived her bedchamber and began digging in her trunk for a dress for dinner. Surprise had reflected in the maid's blue eyes at her command.

Bianca took great care in getting ready that day. How long had it been since she trapped herself in her bedchamber? Three weeks? Six weeks all together since she was married to Race. Well, today, she was coming out of hiding.

The maid pulled her hair into an elegant braid, letting two curly ringlets fall to her ears. Powder was applied to her face, and her cheeks were pinched to add color to it. The neckline was low cut, leaving her shoulders and the moulds of her breasts exposed.

She frowned at her image, feeling odd. Perhaps it was too much cleavage? She hadn't worn this dress in a long time, and must have outgrown it. Perhaps it was best if she changed? She shook her head, knowing she didn't have the time to change. Besides, other than the indecency of the dress, she looked gorgeous. The maid had done a wonderful job with her hair and her makeup, and she smelled wonderfully.

She rose to her feet, deciding the soft pink of her dress looked good against her pale skin. The exposure of her breasts and shoulders might have seemed inappropriate, but she was having dinner with her husband and sister —both of them having seen her naked in the past.

Slowly, she made her way down the stairs and to the dining area. She raised a hand to halt the butler who made to go into the room to announce her presence. When he raised a brow, she shook her head in response. She would walk in unannounced. Perhaps she might walk in on her husband and sister kissing? Perhaps then they would feel a little shame for their actions.

Race's head snapped up at the sight of her. He was seated on the head of the table, dressed in a casual white shirt. He might have gotten a hair cut, she realized, her heart skipping at the sight of him as desire racked her body. For a second, she imagined burying her fingers in his hair...

The fork in his hand fell to his plate with a loud clank, and he rose to his feet, his eyes still holding hers.

"Bianca?!" Her head snapped to the side, a frown settling on her face at the sight of her sister seated beside him on his right hand side. "It's so wonderful to have you join us for dinner!" She chirped.

Bianca's feet began leading her forward then, her frown deepening as rage pumped through her veins. Her sister was nothing but a backstabbing pig!

She halted before Carla. "I believe you are in my seat."

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