Childhood friends

Start from the beginning

Shinsou was distracted during the cavalry battle. It was really you. Here at UA with him, sure you were on different classes, but minor details like that didn't matter. His childhood friend was back, the one who always tried to save him from the bullies and ended up getting hurt herself. The girl he hadn't stopped thinking about even when the years had passed.

Shinsou got to continue to the next round, but he could only think about you. You were thrilled when you saw his name on the board. He got to move forward on the competition.

You waited in the stands, and those of your classmates who didn't continue, came to the stands too.

"Oh, (Last Name), you got out from the infarmary.", Ojiro said.

"Yeah, it wasn't anything serious... Why didn't you continue on the competition? You had the chance."

"I just didn't feel like I had earned it. I think the guy with the purple hair has some kind of a mindcontrol quirk or something."

"He does." you muttered

"Well, I promised to help Midoriya. We're gonna try and figure out his quirk a bit more, so I'm gonna go now. Take care."


Many of your classmates had gone on to the second round. Now it was time for some fun, while they made the arena for the next battle.

It was time for the first match. Midoriya versus Shinsou. This could be interesting, all Shinsou had to do, was get Midoriya to say something to him. On the other Midoriya was smart as heck, and if Ojiro had tipped him off on Shinsou's quirk, it would complicate things.

"Kick his ass Toshi! Go Midoriya!", you shouted at the both of them.

Shinsou was your friend, but Midoriya was your classmate, so you decided to cheer for the both of them. All your classmates around you stared at you with wide eyes.

"Yes, I know him, but let's concentrate on the match.", you said.

Everyone waited in anticiapation. Midnight announced the match starting and Midoriya startes to aproach Shinsou slowly. Shinsou said some stuff him and Midoriya shouted back.

"You got him now, win it Toshi.", you cheered.

You watched as Midoriya started to walk closer to the edge of the stage, as commanded by Shinsou, but on the last second he stopped. There was a preassure wave created by Midoriya and before you knew it. Shinsou was out of bounds. He had lost. You cheered for Midoriya a bit and went to the corridor to wait for Shinsou.
When he finally showed up, he looked pretty down.

"Hey, it's okay. You'll kick some ass next year.", you grinned.

"Hope so.", he sighted

"But hey, we have some catching up to do, so should we get started?"

"Why not."

You walked around and talked about all the stuff that had been going on for the past few years. He told you about how his school life had worsened after you had left. You talked about the school you had transfered to and how you hadn't really liked it there. Together, you went through every little detail, and in the end it felt like you were both much more on track about everything.

"Wow, that was alot of stuff.", you smiled.

"I agree. Do you think the matches are still going?"

"Not for long atleast. Should we go see?"

"Sure.", he shrugged.

You headed back to the stands, but had to go your separate ways, since the GenEd's stand were in a different direction.

You got to the stands. Midoriya was sitting there with Uraraka and Iida. He was covered in bandages.

"Hey, Midoriya. What the heck happened to you?", you asked.

"Oh, Sarte. I got this from my match with Todoroki."

"Well he sure did a number on you."

"Yeah, but... Can I ask you something?", he said hesitantly.

"What is it?"

"I don't want to pry, but... How do you know Shinsou? And why did you call him Toshi?"

"Oh that? He is a friend of mine, a pretty old friend actually.", you explained.

"Oh ok, could you tell me about his quirk. I want to know more about it...", the rest of his excited blur of words was lost from you.

You just nodded at Midoriya, not paying attention to what he was saying. You were lost in thought. Did you have the right to call him Toshi? He had said he was fine with it, but still. You had known each other for a long time, but the break was still there. Those lost years of your friendship, when you had moved away, and not kept in contact. You felt guilty. Shinsou had been your best friend for a long time, but you stopped texting him, just because your parents didn't accept it. You felt like a traitor, and it annoyed you.

When the sports festival was over, it was time for normal school again. You started to hang out with Shinsou whenever you had the chance. It was just like old times, just the two of you against the world. It was fun, but you could sense some tension in the air. Shinsou had started to act weird, like there was something he wanted to say, but he couldn't. One day, Shinsou came to you just when the school day ended.

"Hey [Name], do you have a moment? I have something to tell you."

"Yeah, sure. What is it?", you smiled.

He lead you to a bench that was under a tree, and you sat down.

"So tell me. "

"When we were kids, your parents didn't like you hanging out with me, but you did. And you always tried to help me and save me from those jerks that bullied me.", he explained.

"Okay, where are you going with this?", you said as you tilted your head.

"The point is... I like you, I've liked you since we were kids. So would you go out with me?"


You didn't know what to say, your best friend had just told you, he likes you, little did he know you felt the same way. You liked him too. You had been quiet longer then you realized.

"I just wanted to tell you. I'm gonna go now.", he sighted as he stood up.

"No!", you shouted as you grabbed his hand.

Now it was Shinsou's turn to be confused.

"Don't go. I... I like you too and I'd love to go out with you." ,you said quietly.


"Yes Toshi, really."

He sat back down, with a wide smiled spread across his face. You were smiling too. The boy you had liked for years, actually liked you back. You were happy, and you could see Shinsou was too.

Shinsou HitoshiWhere stories live. Discover now