16. Betrayal

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A/n: Thank you to all of those who keep reading my poetry collection!


Everytime I open my eyes,
You were the one who stared at me,
Your brown eyes calmed me down,
When my world was in chaos.

I love the way you stared down at me,
My body is what makes you happy,
Everywhere I go,
Your hands gave me excitement.
You gave me euphoria I never thought I'll experience.

You never let go of me,
Your lips stayed with me,
Your hands touch my every core,
We became one in an instant.

You were my world,
You were my everything.
You are my rose,
You took my very soul.

But then, everything blew up.

I saw you hold her,
You kissed her,
You pleasured her,
You touched her!
You betrayed me!

After everything you've done to me,
You damn take my soul in hell?
I don't need you now.
Forget about me!

If you are happy with her,
Stay with her.
Leave me alone.
You can't make me return to you.

You broke my trust,
You broke my heart.
I can't be with you now.
You betrayed me.


A/n: This is just a poem that came out from my mind. This has nothing to do with me outside the internet. Thank you!

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