You noticed Astro's stressed expression and grabbed a hold of his wrist gently. "It's okay." You told.

"Right. I can't focus on that." He shook his head. "Sit back down, I'll do a scan of the room so we don't have anymore.. surprises."

"Yo! I got some sanitizer." Abercrombie burst into the room with Kennedy. You jumped back and let go of Astro.

"Ah! Good! That's what we need!" Astro perked up, gaining his smile once again.

"We got a needle." Reno called out, following behind Abercrombie and Kennedy with Alejo.

"Needle..." You sighed, grasping onto your skirt. Once everyone settled, Astro checked everything was okay.

"Alright, so we have the containers and the tissues.. All we need is someone to give their blood." Astro rubbed the back of his head and glanced at the four human boys.

"I'll do it." Reno stepped forward before anyone else could. He had his arms crossed and was avoiding eye contact with you and Astro. The robot smiled softly at the change in heart of Reno.

"Put your arm out." Astro ordered. Reno nodded and put his arm out, then rolled up his sleeve. Astro grabbed the sanitizer and rubbed it on a small part of his arm before grabbing the needle. Reno looked away and to your direction. You both made eye contact and you smiled, giving him a small nod. Reno flashed a nervous and toothy grin at you before flinching at the small prick in his arm. Astro grabbed a small cylinder container and let the blood drip into it. Reno closed one eye and cringed.

"Is that enough?" Astro asked Alejo.

"A little more." Alejo said. Reno sighed loudly. "Okay, that's enough."

Reno pulled his arm away and huffed in relief. Astro placed the container on a desk and picked up another one, this one was clean and had no blood on it. It would soon be filled to the brim with your blood though.

"Ready (Y/N)?" Astro asked, stepping in front of you.

"Yes." You put out your arm and pulled up your sleeve. Astro did the same thing with your arm that he did on Reno, cleaning it before making a wound that poured out blood.

"Huh.." Astro watched the substance ooze from your arm into the plastic container.

"What is it?"

"I can already tell the difference from your blood and Reno's.."

You cocked your brow up, you thought your blood looked normal enough.


"Astro.." Alejo moved away from the blood samples and stared at the robot.

"It's strange.. and different.." Astro felt the air leave his chest, like he was just winded.

"What is it? What's wrong?" You questioned getting up. "Am I zombie??" You questioned.

"Well.. I don't think so. I might need some zombie blood to tell for sure.." Astro nervously laughed.

"You're joking." Reno sighed and face palmed.

"Don't worry!" Astro sweat dropped. "I can't get some."

"And how are you going to do that? Just ask a zombie if you can get a few drops of blood??" Reno placed his hands on his hips.

"Not exactly.." Astro turned to the robot dog from before. He sighed and walked over to it. The darn thing was still on. Astro opened its mouth, but when it's jaw reached it's limit, he kept on ripping it open. Once the snout has popped off, a blue substance poured out. "Just as I thought.." Astro grumbled.

"Astro, what is that?" Kennedy asked.

"Doesn't matter." Astro brushed it off. "Alejo, pass me Reno's container." Alejo did so.

Astro mixed the two liquids together and as he did, they began to react. Astro walked back to the desk and placed it down. The mix made a green and purple colour that seemed to foam up.

"So that's what's running through their veins huh..?" Alejo's eyes widened. "Do you think.." Alejo looked to your greenish red blood.

"It's worth a shot." Astro mixed your blood in with the corrupted one. It began to react right away, the colours mixed together making a perfect red.

"This means.." Alejo laughed crazily and turned to you. Astro scanned the blood again to be sure.

"(Y/N).. you don't have the cure in your blood, your blood is the cure!" Astro ran over to your and picked you up, spinning you around on one leg. You gasped and began to laugh happily, hugging Astro back.

Kennedy wiped away incoming tears and pulled Reno and Alejo into a hug. Abercrombie shoved the three into a embrace as they happily laughed and cried together.

"I'm the cure! I can't believe it!" You smiled, your eyes watering up, only to let tears of happiness stream down. Astro himself began to cry in your embrace.

Just as the six of your joined in a group hug, a large bang echoed from the lab. You gasped and pulled back from the hug, as did everyone else. The deafening sound could be heard, but this time, it was closer. Everyone reached for their weapons.

Astro's hand folded in and he charged up his arm cannon, aiming at the now cracking wall.

Abercrombie held his bat over his shoulder, ready to swing at anything.

Alejo's hands were placed on the stick and handle of his shovel, he was shaking a little.

Kennedy pulled back his spear, ready to strike at anything.

Reno flipped his wrench and caught it, holding onto it tightly.

You pulled your knife up to your face and did the same with your other hand that was scrunched up into a fist, like you were ready to fight a boxer.

The walls cracks became too much and it began to crumble. With a loud noise, the wall fell. Astro's eyes widened.


Astro Boy x Reader // The ApocalypseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin