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The Han's family comes from a huge genaration of hard work and achievements, it all started when the country wasn't much more than lands and devided territories.

Their ancestors started with the famous agriculture, with huge plantations over the lands they ruled. Throughout the time, their business started developing with the improvement of technology, from having farms and famous species of trees to huge buildings of cars creators and then to what they were now, one of the most important technology and industry developers to the whole world.

Of course, this has gone through hundred of generations, but they allways conserved the surname 'Han' in honor of the man that started it all along with his wife. Now to say everyone in the Han's family was proud of being a part of it was an understatement.

But Han Jisung dreaded it in some way, he was the next one to take part in the business, to rule the hole corporation of agencys they had in hand, but he didn't felt like it. Sure he had been all his life preparing for it so fear wasn't his problem, instead it was the process he hated.

You'll see, Jisung didn't have a normal childhood as you would call it, he had been all his life at home, never leaving his neighbour since his parents saw it as a total distraction and unnecessary. That way Jisung was kept most of his life in the four walls of his bedroom, being teached home by several teachers, since they grew close to the boy and at the end were fired because 'it would en up as a distraction' as his parents said.

He didn't even had real friends, yes of course he was part of a small group of four boys, but he was sure they were paid by his parents too, because everytime they could they didn't call him to hang out or ask him how he was, yes Jisung has been locked up in his room but he isn't a fool, he knows when something is up.

Now the only thing that Jisung enjoyed apart from studying, because it was the only thing that could explain a little how the life outside his house worked, was music. He obviously hided it from his parents, his own letters and papers with melodys, he kept that all to himself so he could slightly delight his ears when he was alone.

But maybe that along with his perception of the world will change once he meets up a certain boy. Maybe there will be something he enjoys more when both of their eyes connect.



The Lee's, oh how feared that name was.

It almost felt like 'the ones who must not be named'. Since all the historys and rumors said on the streets were used to send shivers down your spine.

They talked about a lot of things heard or even witnessed about the famous mafia, that nobody knew where the operation center was located or who was the one who ruled it, just the surname 'Lee' that was very popular was the only hint available.

The Lee's had achieved a big reputation of serial killers and mind experts, always managing to get new ways of ending their objectives, making it more hard for the police to even keep up with them.

The ones under his control knew for a fact that the old man, Mr.Lee was a harsh and cold person, who had to barely speak a word to make everyone understand that he was in charge. Everything was well organised, all the members divided into specific sections and processes of the murders while receiving a difficult and very demanding training.

But in reality, the man had a weakness like everybody else and that was his son. That's why he ordered the most horrible training of all for him, all his life was harsh with him showing that he always needed to do more, to be faster, stronger and the most intelligent. The reason under all was to raise his son in a way he could be prepared and could confront death if the moment came, because he wouldn't be able to handle it if something happened to... the little Minho that was in his eyes.

In the other part, Lee Minho always felt like a disappointment to his father, he never gets to the point his father wants, he tries, he studies, he barely goes out if it's not for a mission, but he's always missing something. He knows for a fact that he won't ever be what his father wants, but he is still trying because the most desired dream of his is to hear the words 'You did great, my son'.

Will he change his mind when he meets a specific boy? Will he stop trying to be something he's not and start living?



Hope you liked the introduction, I'm exicted to see where this will go~

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