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I gave myself a final look in the mirror feeling satisfied with my appearance.  I was wearing this beautiful white floral dress that sadie had bought me for my birthday last year. I don't know why I was so nervous for this date with Jaeden, I mean it can't be that weird , right?


he should be here any minu-


i turned off the light in my bathroom and ran down my stairs to the front door to see that sadie had the door open already talking to jaeden.

they both stopped and looked at me.

"you look beautiful, y/n." jaeden smiled at me.

"you really do" sadie added.

"thanks guys" i smiled and looked down.

"ready to go?" he asked.

"oh yeah! let's go, bye sadie!" i grabbed my purse and phone off the table and walked out the door.

in the car:


I turned my head to him.

"i know you're not over finn, but i hope you know how much i respect your worth and however long you need to figure out your feelings i'm here for you." he blushed continuing to look at the road.


"just remember, okay?"

"i will, thank you."

"let's have a great night!" he said parking near the restaurant.

we walked into the Italian restaurant. it was filled with stunning fairy lights and beautifully done art work displayed around the windows.

"wow" I pulled out my phone and sent a picture to Sadie.

"Table for two?"  the waitress asked.

"yes, please."

the worker lead us to our table.

"jaeden, thank you once again."



"i wish we started talking earlier! we have so much in common!"

"i know!  i never knew you liked Mom Jeans! their music is so DOPE! "

my phone started buzzing uncontrollably.

"who's that?" he asked.

"i don't know.. let me see."


i picked up the phone.

"finn? what's up?"

"I-I need your h-help" he sobbed within each word.

"somethings wrong with finn." i mouthed to Jaeden who had a worried expression.

"just don't do anything.. stupid i'm on my way. " i said to Finn over the phone.

"i'll get the car ready " jaeden said while leaving the money on the table as we ran out to the car.

what a nice date

heart-throb finn wolfhardحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن