The Memories (Chapter 4)

Start from the beginning

Next memory

'I am now 14 it has been 4 years since I have been in the Blade of Marmora and a new recruit came in his name is Jace Wayland I heard he lost his mom and dad he is the same age as me 14 and he is like me we despise the Galra Empire we also brutally kill galrins that are our enemies and he is also a half breed between galra and something else, maybe we will warm up with each other' after 2 years we warmed up with each other

Next memory

'I'm 16 now and we had a visitor his name is Keith Kogane pilot of the red lion he came with the pilot of the Black Lion I didn't know him. We only know about Keith because Kolivan and Thrace has an eye on him for a while since Krolia said that Keith was her son and gave them a picture of when he was a baby, he still looked the same. But they want our alliance' I watched as Kolivan talked to Keith and the other dude. One of the Blade of Marmora followers attacked them, he had to knock out the black paladin but Keith remains awake and he ends up going through the knowledge or death trial, he had one of our blades but before he turned it in he unlocked it. The look on his face was that face when you are shocked and scared "Please don't tell anyone at all" Keith was begging them not to say anything we agreed to not say anything and they left

Next memory

'It has been 8 months since Keith left I felt this attraction towards him like I felt with Keith not in a sexual way either' I walked down the hall but then heard Thace's voice top rated soldiers come to the front of the hideout, I ran towards where Thace was going to be as soon as I got there he told us that there was an escape pod heading our way so we all got in formation as I stood next to Jace. After a few minutes the pod landed and the person who came out was the one and only Keith Kogane. Two months in he didn't talk to anyone didn't look at anyone, trained really hard, and he brutally killed the galrins worse than us, but he is also in the same boat as us no family and doesn't care to brutally kill someone.

The next memory shows how Jace and Arianna meet Keef so yeah I'm just going to skip that part

No Ones POV

By the end of Arianna's memory the paladins were crying and some were shocked to see Keith in that state just reckless and killing someone and just doesn't care about killing them but that changed when Arianna and Jace met Keith "Jace your up next" Arianna got out of the chair and patted his back "Good luck" Arianna and Leith whispered to Jace as he walked up to the chair "Just get it over and done with" Jace quickly sat down then the memories came back

Jace's POV

The memories came back from when I was 14 I had just killed my father and mother have been killed by Galra soldier and he threatened to kill me........ 'Don't go out there Jace just stay in here' I rocked back in forth with my knees to my chest and hands covering my ears crying quietly. I can hear my mom screaming in pain, and my dad trying to stop the galra soldier but I didn't work I then heard his screams 'Someone help.....' all of the sudden I hear the screaming stop 'Is it over?' I wait a couple of minutes before leaving the closet. As soon as I left the closet I looked around to see if my the Galra soldier was gone, the house was dark and I just awoken my galra side. I could see in the dark but I didn't know how to control it, all of the sudden I trip, I looked at what I tripped over and it parents dead bodies "AAAAAHHHH" I scrambled away from the corpses I hit something actually more like someone. I turned around it was a galra soldier 'shit' the galra soldier grabbed my neck and was strangling me, I was gasping trying to get him to let me go but I wasn't that strong I started to stir away 'I'm going to die.....' but then the grip loosened and I fell to the floor " the......ase" I couldn't make out what was going on but it sounded like the mysterious man said "Get him to the base". Everything was in slow motion as my eyes closed then everything went black.

When I opened my eyes I was in a bed and a person with this weird suit walked in. I sat up and just stayed there and didn't flinch when the person put down food on the table next to the bed I sat there quite, I couldn't feel anything anymore except for pain. I had memories or you could say flashbacks from my parents dead bodies 'Why me...... why did this happen to me! I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged them, I cried, 'I want my mom and dad back, I want my mom to hug me and give me kisses, I want my dad to teach me more things, but I can't have that anymore because they are..........gone' I cried harder, I cried for a very long time but I don't know how long I cried for but it seemed like a long time. By the time I finished crying I feel back asleep I didn't have any dreams except for nightmares, right after I woke up from my nightmare I saw a tall galra man standing by the door, I got scared and showed me teeth growling the man put both his hands up showing that he wasn't any harm "I'm Thace I a leader of the Blade of Marmora, the Blade of Marmora is a huge community where we fight against the galra empire and are looking for a way to defeat them." He spoke lightly "I was wondering if you would like to join us-" I spoke right before he could finish his sentence "I'll join as long as I get to kill the galra people the deserve to die" I had bloodlust eyes. Then the memory went on

Next memory this memory will be going on fast

I killed galra people from time to time in my memory, I killed then without caring because I didn't care......... Thus girl who is also a half breed like me her name is Arianna she talked to me and I found out she kinda with through the same thing I went through so we hung out more and trained together a lot and we soon felt like we were each other's family and we both worked our way up to the best galra soldiers.

Next memory

This weird human? I think he was leaving the base I think Kolivan said his name was Keith? But when he was leaving with the black paladin, the black paladin left first but Keith, he looked worried and was begging so I used my hearing to hear him "Please don't tell anyone at all" Keith was begging them not to say anything and so Kolivan and the other agreed not say anything and they left. But before he left I felt like something wanted me to be with him and not in a sexual way

Next memory

The speakers called all the top soldiers come to the front of the base so I ran over there and stood next to Arianna, I saw an escape pod and a figure come out of it. It was Keith that one human but he looked sad and tired but most of all scared like a lot. He was walking slowly because of the blood loss from the the cut across his face then he passed out, Arianna ran over to Keith so I ran after her. We both picked him up Thace ordered us to take him to the infirmary so we did that.

Next memory

Keith didn't look at anyone at all or talk to anyone all he did was train and train and train all day he never stopped unless he took a water brake than returned to training. When we would go on missions he would kill galra people without hesitation and he kept on doing it for months and months until we tried to get him to warm up to us and 1 and half later it kinda worked after the rest of the month we were all family to each other and Thace ended up adopting all of us and we were happy. When me and Arianna heard Keith's last and how shiro and the other paladins except for Pidge and hunk we were furious we wanted to kill the paladins but he told us we didn't and shouldn't so we didn't.

The memory is over

I woke up back to where I was on the ship with Keith and Arianna I took of the helmet and shook myself because I got the chills and walked over to Arianna and Keith "Keith your up" I looked at Keith and he didn't want to do it but he walked up to the chair slowly "Can you tie me up please" he looked at me and Arianna  with sad eyes we hated seeing him like that but we tied him up and pidge put the helmet on his

To be continued welp I guess you will have to wait until next chapter so good night or have a good day byeeeee~

Word count:3393

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