"Tae do you have everything your taking with you? We leave soon."

No, I don't have Jeongguk with me.

"Yeah Yoongi-hyung," Tae sighed as he was becoming impatient.

His eyes were becoming glassy at the mere thought of his friend not showing up. He wanted to cry, he wanted his friend to show up. Taehyung desperately needed a hug from Jeongguk, he hadn't seen him in two days. To his 8 year old self that was too long of a time to be without him.

Taehyung was accustomed to having Jeongguk by him at all time.

30 minutes.


20 minutes.


10 minutes.


Time was running out. It was 10 minutes until they left and Jeongguk was yet to show up and say goodbye. The oldest of the two was pouting with teary eyes and everything. He didn't want to cry about this, but they were supposed to say goodbye. It was a huge deal to Taehyung. He wouldn't see Jeongguk for who knows how long.

"Come on Ggukie, where are you?"

Taehyung was looking out the window of his bedroom. The boy's face showed nothing but hope and a mixture of sadness. "Taehyung it's time to go!"

He turned to look at the clock, it showed he still had 5 minutes to which he didn't wait to point out to his brother. The eldest sighed but waited for the minutes to go by.

"Alright Tae darling it really is time to go now. Mom and dad are waiting in the car already."

Yoongi went upstairs to drag his brother from his bedroom. He couldn't help but notice Taehyung's face falter to an even sadder expression. His bottom lip jutted out as he tried to slightly pull away from him.
"Wait hyungie I-I can't go yet."

"Why not Tae?"

Taehyung continued to try and pull away once they made it outside but failed. "I'm waiting to say goodbye to someone but they aren't showing up..."

His eyes yet again glossed over with tears and Yoongi contemplated on what to do. He looked back at his parents then at Taehyung. He knew this was about his imaginary friend, Yoongi wanted to leave but his brother looked so heartbroken right now.

"Okay I'll tell you what, we can wait just a few more minutes okay? If he doesn't show we leave Tae."

The boy nodded without a second thought or hesitation.

"TaeTae, we have to really go now. He isn't showing up."

"W-Wait! N-No we cant leave p-please...
J-Just five more minutes hyungie."

"Come on we have to go darling, I'm sure your friend will be okay."

"B-But he promised he'd be here t-to say goodbye."

The crying boy was pulled towards the car, not being able to say his final goodbye to his imaginary friend.

Taehyung could only watch as the car went farther and farther away from his house. The latter still had tears streaming down his face while his  bottom lip wobbled. He didn't want to leave. Not without seeing a certain someone that is.

After a while his family had arrived to their new home. The neighborhood appeared to be filled with huge houses, likely belonging to the rich. The fancy houses decorating the area made Taehyung frown. He still wanted to go back to his cozy two story house.

The car parked in front of one of these seemingly huge houses. His father had a good business going, they had saved enough money to move into a bigger house. Which is is good considering his job was moved, however Taehyung wasn't fond of that idea.

"Isn't it nice Tae?" His mother tried cheering the young boy up. She only sighed when said boy meekly nodded without much of emotion. He wasn't happy. But he'd have no choice but to grow accustomed to it. It was now his new home, where he would live from now on. Without his best friend.

 Imaginary Friend | Gguktae ✓Where stories live. Discover now