Chapter 4 The Masquerade Ball Part 1

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"No one" I say. "We leaving this second?" Elena nods.

"Yeah. Let's go" she says. I nod and we walk out of my front door, me locking it behind us. We walk to her car and get in. We drive to Mystic Grill where everyone, Bonnie, Caroline, Jeremy, Tyler and Stefan, are. Elena and I go inside and go up to a booth where everyone is sitting. Everyone says hi to us and we say it back, then sit down and order a few drinks.

After sitting and talking for hours, the door opens and everyone grows quiet. My back is to the door but I know who it is because everyone got quiet. Damon walks over to the booth we are sitting at, standing right behind me.

"Hello guys. What's going on?" he says. I don't have to turn around to know he is smirking, like he always is. Jeremy glares at him.

"We are talking. What do you want, Damon?" Elena says.

"Oh just to 'talk' too. I just want to interact like a normal person Elena. Can't I do that?" says Damon. I can hear the smirk in his voice and I stop myself from turning around and slapping him across the face.

"Damon, you and I both know that's not true. Your trying to cause trouble. Just go away. No one here wants you here right now" says Jeremy. I smile at him.

"Oh really, baby Gilbert? If that's so true then why is Cassie blushing?" says Damon. I think That's it, damn it! I stand up and face him.

"Listen asshole. One, I am not blushing. I'm flushing. The difference is when you flush, it's usually with anger and that is why I am flushing. Two, stop being such a fucking asshole. And three, no one at this damn table could careless if you were here, in heaven, or in hell! I sure as hell wish you would just go to hell!" I say then walk around him and walk out. I hear Elena and Jeremy calling after me. Elena and Jeremy stand up and follow me out but Jeremy gets to me first and he grabs my arm to stop me.

"Cassie wait" he says. I turn to face him. "Just ignore him. He's an asshole"

"Jer, I have been ignoring him. I'm tired of it. He's pissing me off" I say. Jeremy nods.

"I know. He's pissing me off too. Look, why don't you just get in the car, Elena and I will get everyone but Damon and we will go to that club now?" Jeremy says. I sigh and nod. "Ok" Him and Elena walk back inside. I go over to Elena's car and get in. After a few minutes everyone but Damon comes out.

Caroline, Bonnie and Tyler get in Caroline's car. Jeremy, Elena and Stefan get in Elena's car, Jeremy sitting beside me in the back. We drive for about three hours before we are at the club. We park and then we all get out of the cars. We walk into the club and I see it isn't that crowded. We go and sit down at a table and order some drinks. For three hours we drink and talk. After another half hour, Jeremy and I are the only one's sitting at the table. We are laughing about something and I can't remember what it is because we are both drunk off our asses. Everyone but Stefan is drunk and everyone Jeremy and I is dancing when all of the sudden, a voice I recognize instantly, speaks from behind me.

"Wow. I never thought I'd see you drunk Cassie" says Damon. I stop laughing, but Jeremy doesn't cause he doesn't know he is there yet.

"I'm n-not dr-dr-drunk D-Damon" I say, my words slurring. Damon chuckles.

"Sure your not. And I'm not a very sexy, hot guy who is an amazing dancer" Damon says. I roll my eyes.

"Don't be so sure!" I say then stand up, stumbling a little but catching myself on my chair. Damon rolls his eyes this time. I walk past him and onto the dance floor, trying to find Elena to tell her I was going to go home. But as I spotted Elena and started to make my way to her, my hand is grabbed and I am pulled into someone's arms.

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