Chapter 2 Rykardo's Mission

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Rykardo got done preparing himself for his mission and he headed out to New York to find the four turtles. Rykardo walked out of his room with his gear on and his two katanas in their sheathes and he headed out to find Leo and the others. 'This is it, don't grow attached to them or you'll never become a full member of the Footclan Rykardo, the turtles are your enemies not Master Shredder' Rykardo thought. He headed outside of the base and headed out to look for the turtles.

~Meanwhile with the turtles~

Leo, Raph, Donnie and Mikey are out on patrol in New York and jumped across rooftops and continued running for a few more minutes before they decided to take a break. All of them were panting in exhaustion except for Leo who sensed that something was wrong and continued patrolling his instincts telling him to go investigate. 'I've got a weird feeling that someone's here' Leo thought. He continued heading to where his instincts were telling him to go until he saw something that made his heart scream in surprise.

Leo could see another mutant turtle running around on the rooftop and from the looks of it he looked a lot like him too. 'Oh my gosh another turtle? What's he doing out here all by himself? Where did he come from?' Leo wondered. He approached the black masked turtle feeling his curiosity overcome him and followed the stranger until he was close enough to get his attention.

"Hey, who are you?" Leo asked.

The strange turtle immediately halted and turned around looking at Leo. Leo almost felt shocked to see that the new turtle sorta looks like him except for how he has a bit of green in his eyes and Leo couldn't help but feel some kind of connection to him.

"Who are you?" The turtle asked in Leo's voice, returning the question.

"I'm Leonardo." Leo answered.

"Rykardo." The turtle replied.

~Back to Rykardo's POV~

'Finally I've found him, but where are the other three?' Rykardo wondered.

"Are you new here?" Leo asked.

"I guess you could say that, I have been avoiding everyone but I never knew that there were other mutants around here." Rykardo replied trying to come up with his best lie.

"Well don't worry, I don't plan to hurt you, but, have you always been alone up here?" Leo questioned.

"Uh... I've been hiding around so much that I've kinda gotten used to it." Rykardo lied. 'Jeez this guy is almost acting weird, I sure hope he doesn't suspect anything' He thought.

"How'd you get that?" Leo asked pointing at Rykardo's shoulder.

Rykardo followed his gaze seeing a scar on his shoulder from training with Karai one time but he tried to figure out another lie so that Leo wouldn't be so suspicious.

"Got attacked by... Some people." Rykardo replied starting to grow nervous. 'How many questions does this guy ask?!' He wondered in irritation of Leo being so noisy.

"Well it's not safe up here at this time of night, why don't you come with me and meet my brothers? I'm sure they'll be excited to meet another mutant turtle here." Leo offered.

"Sure." Rykardo replied pretending to be a bit shy. Although he did feel like a nervous wreck.

Rykardo followed Leo across the rooftops until they approached Raph, Donnie and Mikey who were sitting around on the rooftop and Raph immediately got up as soon as he saw Leo and Rykardo coming over. 'The turtles are dangerous Rykardo, do not mess up your mission' Shredder's warning ringed inside Rykardo's head and he tried hard to fight the urge to just attack the turtles while he still could but something inside him was telling him that Shredder's wrong about them.

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