Night # 163 It Isn't Fun Anymore

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This next chilling tale is about a teenage boy whose fun takes a turn for the worst.

Kyle was sitting home alone when he decided to try something on his phone that his friends had suggested. He began asking his phone questions. He was laughing at the answers it gave him until he decided to ask it one question in particular. When am I going to die? " You will die very soon, maybe even tonight."

Kyle felt a lump in his throat until he thought about how ridiculous the whole thing was and then he started laughing once again. "It is not a joke, you will die very soon." His laughter cut off as the response shocked him. He had not even spoken into his phone and it had responded anyway.

He was beginning to think it had been a bad idea to mess with it so he shut it off for the night. He was starting to head for his room when he heard a voice from his phone. "I do not like you anymore and I will get rid of you." He stood there as his blood ran cold." He heard a knock at the door and a familiar voice behind it. " I demand that you kill him now."

Kyle ran to his room to lock the door when he heard glass breaking in his living room. All he could think as he shivered in his closet was, "It isn't fun anymore."

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