Perth:"hello, baby how are you?"

Saint:"I'm fine", actually i wasn't.

Perth:"you don't seem fine, is it about your parents , did you tell them , or i should come and tell them ".

Saint:" No, No, i will tell them tonight and then i will call you ". I tried to be calm, i don't want Perth to come , especially that my father is not a easy going person ".

Perth:" okay, i will wait baby, don't be nervous , just follow your heart , you know that i will always be with you ".

Saint:" yes, i know, thank you ".

Perth:" no , need to thank me , I'm with you forever".

Saint:"okay, i need to go , my dad is calling me".
Perth:"okay, bye baby, i will call u later ".

Saint:" bye".

Saint POV:

I went downstairs , all of them were sitting in the living room , this is it , this is the right moment, my heart is beating so fast , i gathered my courage , and speak :
Saint:"mom, dad, i have something to tell you ".I' m so nervous , i feel like my voice is cracking .
Mr.sup:" what son ?!!"

Saint: i took a deep breath and tell them everything , i told them how we meet, how we fall  in love and how he proposed to me, i told them that i love him , only him , no one else .

My father almost screamed in anger , well  it was expected , i know from the start , i know he will not accept , that's what i was afraid of .

Mr.sup:"what are you saying saint ?!!, what the hell  , is this what i send you for , i send you as a normal boy , and now you are telling me that you are gay , Hell's no , go pack your stuff , tomorrow will go back to America, i cant support a minute here , and don't try to argue , because you will listen to me , after all I'm your father, i know what's the best for you is to have a normal life and marry a girl ".

Saint POV:

How could he say that , my heart is ripping apart, tears running trough my cheeks , i am crying hard , how will i tell Perth , no i cant left him , no , is it wrong to fall in love, it doesn't Mather he is the only one that i want to complete my life with , I'm not giving up , no , i speaked in a shaky voice :
" father, is it wrong to fall in love , is it wrong that i want to be with the one that i love , how can i live with him , it doesn't Mather boy or a girl , because he is the one , that i want , no one else .

My knees are week.....
I fall in the ground .....
Tears falling and heart ripping apart.....
I love him , the one and only ....
How could falling in  love be wrong ...
Feeling like I'm  breathing my last breath ...
But you are the best gift ....

My mom couldn't say anything , no one can , this is my dad , and only him can control me .

Mr.sup:"go now, before I'll get mad , go pack your stuff , were going tomorrow".
Saint mom: "but, give them a chance please , falling in love isn't wrong ",  she was crying ..

Mr.sup :" are you supporting him , do you want your son to be gay , what kind of mom you are?!!".

Saint mom:"No, what kind of father you are, this is enough to support , you control our life too much, I'm done , are you blind can't you see that you're son is in love , the heart want what it want , but you , you are always selfish , you think always about yourself , and I'm not letting you break my son , you think i don't know, all the hours that i waited for you, but you ripped us apart, you cheated on me you think i didn't know, you think i didn't see you making out with the secretary , well you are wrong , and now you will not control the life of my son,is that love that you are talking about, well i choose that my son live an unormal life with the one he loves, than this love  ".

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