The third throw came. I swung my bat as hard as I could.

I had it. I GOT IT!

Then I ran as fast as I could around the four bases. I was almost at the fourth base.

Five. I am almost there.

Four. Almost.

Three. A little closer.

Two. Just a little further.


"Safe! A homerun for Ruby Cesaire! This makes the Crystal gems the winners of the match! Congratulations!"

All around me I heard clapping. People were standing up and going wild. Then I realised, we won. WE WON! WE ACTUALLY WON!!!!!! Soon all my teammates surrounded me and congratulated me.

"Ruby,that was amazing!" "I didn't think you could run that fast Ruby" "How did you swing the bat so hard?!" 

At that moment I was so overwelmed that I didn't see a certain someone climbing up on the stage that was set up for the champions. 

"Hello, I am Emerald, and I would like to have a moment please, can you be quiet? I SAID QUIET!"  

The whole stadium was silent. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sapphire with a frown. O god, please don't, Emerald.

"Since Ruby won the match this evening, I would like to confess something. I love you, Ruby Cesaire. Would you do me the honor and become my girlfriend."

At this moment I saw Sapphire run away, out of the stadium. I was being pushed to the stadium by my fellow teammates. As I stood on the stage, I glared furiously at Emerald while I grabbed the microphone. 

"How many times do I have to tell you, I am not in love with you! I have told you several times now that I don't like you that way, but you didn't listen. And guess what, I am in love with someone else! So please, stop this madness cause we both know that you only did this for popularity!" At tis point Emeralds smilewas replaced by a nasty scowl. "Now excue me, I have to find the one I actually love and confess to her."

With that I ran off the stage and out on the sidewalk, cheering from the stadium slowly fading away. O god, what am I going to tell Sapphire. Wait,that doesn't matter now, I have to find her first.

"Sapphire!" I called, "Sapphire where are you?" I walked around the stadium, but no sign of her. "Sapphire, I'm sorry! You may have heard Emerald, But I don't love her. PLease, come out!"

I decided that I should look in the woods as well, just to be shure. I wanderedfor a couple minutes, but still no Sapphire. Then I heard someone. I stopped and listened. It sounded like someone was singing. I slowly moved closer to the sound. I came to a little clearing, where the voice was the strongest. 

"If I could tell her, tell her everything I see. If I could tell her, how she's everything to me. But we're a million worlds apart. And, I don't know how I would even start.If I could tell her.."



She immediately stopped singing and was about to leave when I caught her wrist. "Wait! Sapphire, please, let me explain."

She turned around, dried and fresh tears on her cheeks. "What is there left to explain?" she told me with enough venom to kill me. I really messed this up, didn't I?

"Please, just sit down and look at me." Suprisingly,she did as she was told. "What Emerald said out there, was onesided. I don't love her. She may be in love with me, but I have feelings for someone else." Sapphire was silent. She stared at me like she didn't believe me, but I gave her a reassuring gance back. She smiled, a genuine smile. Then, she completely freaked out. Öh no, Oh nonononononono, you heard me sing, now you're gonna hate me fore-" "I don't hate you Sapphire." She was silent once more. I took it as a cue for meto start speaking.

"I actually really liked your singing voice. I don't see why you should be ashamed of it at all." Sapphire began to blush and no doubt was I following her examle. "And, there is something else I would like to say." This was it. I made direct eyecontact with her.

"Sapphire Snowflake, I love you. And I know it has only been a couple of days and we still do-"

I was cut off by a pair of lips on my own. Wait...


She quickly pulled away again.

"I feel the exact same way Ruby. I love you to, Ruby Cesaire."

Then, our chests began to glow. Out of my garnet pendant shone a red light, while out of Sapphires chest shone a blue light. Wait, is this really happening?  With a flash the lights dissapeared. We stared at eachother. Around our necks were two identical necklaces with a plit garnet pendant. We made eye contact. Then, together we said, with the biggest smiles on our faces:

"We're soulmates!"

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