Chapter Four

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The day that followed was pretty uneventful. Other than homework and wattpad, there was only room left for thinking of Sapphire, wich becomes a problem. I just hope that I will be able to concentrate at the match tomorrow.

That same saturday I texted to Amethyst a lot. I told her that I was in love with Sapphire and she told me that she was in love with Pearl. Mind you, there was a lot of blushing and teasing eachother back and forth. So, that happened. Then Amethyst and I decided that I would confess to Sapphire at the match, wich would be super romantic. I then told Amethyst that she should confess too, but Amethyst decided that she would rather want to confess in private than in front of a lot of hormonal teenagers. 

I can't wait for tomorrow! I hope she says yes!

~ Le time skip to the next day because the author is lazy ~

Today was finally sunday. The day of the match and the day that I will confess to Saphire. 

How boi was I a nervous wreck. 

Who can survive this? I can't escape this. I think I'm dying!

"Ruby, I brought you a snack. Are you okay?" I turned around so quickly that I had whiplash. I painfully rubbed my neck. "Mom, you scared me! Please knock on the door before you enter next time." "I'm sorry ember, but seriously, are you okay? You look like you have a lot on your mind." So, I did the only reasonable thing I could do. I ranted to my mother about all my thoughts, complete with a not so subte hint of blushing.

"Sounds like you really like her. I can see why you admire her, she sounds really nice. I say, go for it Ruby! I believe in you," she told me with the biggest smile plastered on her face. "But, how will I tell er without being nervous?" "No one is completely calm in these type of situations, Ruby. But, I do know that if she doesn't accept, she is missing out on a lot." She looked mein the eyes. "You'll figure it out, in your own Ruby way," she said. Then she gave me a bone crushing hug. "Thanks mom, that's exactly what I needed." She smiled warmly. "Now, go get ready, we don't want to run late!" I quickly got my bag with my baseball clothes and went down to the car.

~ Le time skip brought to you by the cinnamon roll that is Steven ~

Finally we arrived at the stadium. I quickly kissed my parents goodbye and ran to the changing room. Then, it was show time.

"Welcome everyone to this exciting match between the homeworld soldiers and the crystal gems. You all know the rules: No kicking, no biting, no punching and, most importantly, no cheating. Now, let's make this a fair match." With that, our coach blowed her wisstle and so the match began.

The match was a tough one. Ruby and her teammates weren't fast enough to dodge the homeworld soldiers and they even managed to score 2 points. After an exausting first round the crytal gems decided to meet up. Their captain, Rose quartz, spoke to them. "Alright guys, that was tough,so we have to up our game. Time to bestow them with our secret weapon. You guys know what to do. LET'S GO!!!" she yelled. Everyone followed her lead and yelled withher.

After the break was over, we stood in our positions once more, spirits high (don't do drugs kids). Everyone knew what to do. The wisstle blew, and we went. We had evasive maneouvres, speed boosts and smooth slides all ober the place and at the end we stood 2-2. Only 30 seconds left. It was my turn to swing the bat. I stood in front of the base and took a deep breath. You can do it, Ruby. Believe in yourself. The first throw came.

I didn't hit it.

Throw two.

Missed it again.

I loked in the audience, and I saw Sapphire, in all her glory. All right, 20 seconds on the clock. You can do this. This one is for Sapphire!

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