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Long ago before the Great battle there lived a large and thriving race, they were an active bunch they were a mixed race. They did not believe in keeping races being separate, there were short ones and tall ones and you could also get human side one every once and a while. You see this race naturally has a long life spans so they rarely mixed with humans. The most common were pure blood or dwarves, every once and a while you will get a few half elves but that was still more common than humans though.
These people tended to stay up in the northern mountains so that they did not have to deal with the troubles of war, they had lost many and they did not wish to lose more to a war that they were not apart of.
    A few decades had passed since the destruction of Morgoth and a new evil had arisen, Sauron Morgoth's most trusted servant rose to power. With the creation of the nineteen rings for the free folk of middle earth nine rings were given to man and seven to the dwarf lords  and three to the elves. There was one more ring created, the one ring that would rule the other rings if given the opportunity. These people were the only ones to refused the gift of a ring believing nothing good would come from them, and when the time of the Great War came the other races pleaded for them to join. The free folk of middle earth could not win this battle with out their assistance.
    They agreed on one condition, once the war was over the one ring would be destroyed and they would leave their people alone and out of their wars. With that They sent their best and strongest fighters to fight along side the other races, among these warriors was a young woman and her twin sister. She must have only been in her early hundreds still so young, but willing to fight for the freedom and peace of her people.
    The battle was fierce and after seeing many of her people and other comrades that she had grown close to being slaughtered, and finally feeling the pain that she felt when her twin had been stabbed right through the heart caused something in the young woman's mind brake and the woman grew enraged and killed anything that happened to get anywhere near her or the last of her people.
    She became uncontrollable and once the war was finally over they found her next to a dead body of a young woman that looked to be exactly like her but with silver hair. She was severely wounded but would still attacked anyone that dared to come near. Many were injured during this period, but none had been killed. Which showed that she had not completely lost her mind enough to kill her allies. When no one could get close to her to tend to her wounds her elders were called to assist with claiming her enough to give her medical attention.
    When they arrived what they found devastated them, out of all the soldiers that were sent the only soldier that had survived the battle was the young woman that had gone pure animalistic. The elder finally got the woman away from the dead body, only to look away. The elders were questioned on who the body was and they said it was the woman twin.
    After the battle the girl became to be known as the Blood Hunter for her appearance when the fight was over. Once the elders left with the girl they cut off any ties with the other races. They were not heard from again after the war, they had stoped trusting them when they heard news that the one ring had not yet been destroyed and was lost after the death of Isildur.
    No one had heard from these until a century ago. Scouts had reported the found a one of these people bloody and close to death and when they questioned him about what had happened he told them that orcs had over run the northern mountains, and were taking the people captive. The scouts were sad to announce that they could not save the man he had been to close to death to save.
    Countless attempts to contact them had failed, every scouting party they sent never came back so they gave up thinking that they had all been killed. At least until sixty years ago there was word that one had survived the captivity and had broken out and killed their captors. (They broke out a few years before the dragon attacks the lonely mountain just so you know.) They were the last of their race. These were the last of the skin changers. They did not know if any others were alive since it had been so long but they still tryied to search for others and they still have not been able to find them. Many had thought they would have died of old age, but they had gone through to much pain just to die like that. At least they were until an unlikely man in a gray cloak was to shoe up during one of their hunts.

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