Adele Stackhouse

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(Your outfit☝️)

You where out one night just checking on Bill a little
(Eric's orders)

But you stopped by a bar named Merlotte's
You got thirsty why not
The bar was a buzz with country folk and the minds of these humans where aggressive in your opinion, so you switched the mind reading off and sat down at the bar

The second you walked in people where already staring
And when you sat down you could hear all the whispers of the people with your vamp hearing

They consisted of:
"That's a fucking bloodsucker"
"What the fuck is one of them doing here"
you smiled at that one
"I wonder what it would feel like to fuck a vamp"
You scuffed
And so on ...

The beautiful dark skinned bartender walked up to me with a questioning look on her face and asked
"What is one of you doing here"

You put a smug smile on your face and said

"Well I heard you had true blood and I got thirsty....but if you dont want me I understand....ever since I turned I never really felt like I belonged any where except around the people I love "
Your face turned into one of sadness
then you became very interested in the bar table
As your eyes focused on the table You heard her scuff and then a man dressed in flashy clothes walked behind the bar and started to make himself a drink with some coffee
Then asked
"Oh Hooker you best be here for some premium fresh trouble looking like that mMM"
He said looking you up and down
You knew he was gay you could prctacly smell people's sexuality on them
And you had absolutely no problem with him being that way

"I know this is not the usual tree you Bark thanks I'm flattered"
You said with a smirk then continued with
"I was just in town looking for a bite to eat..heard you had true blood...and to be honest I'm watching over a vamp named bill Compton heard of him?"

As you said that you felt another vampire in the area

"Turn around and you'll find him"
The woman said
"Mmmm..uh oh Bill's in trouble"
The man said

You turned around to meet the eyes of one William Compton
As he walked over to a table you followed him to the table and sat down with him
He looked at with a bit of shock and said
"Why (y/n)...I wasn't expecting you here...if you dont mind me asking...what are you doing here?"
He said a little nervous in his speech
"Calm down William I'm here on business...nothing to be afraid of...and come on it's know I may be the oldest but I'm kind of the nicest..just dont Fuck with me and you'll be fine"
You said with a sly smirk

As you finished speaking the sweet smell was upon your nose once more


You flipped you mind reading back on
You looked behind you and stared at sookie
'Have you kept your promise?'
She nodded
'Good...keep it that way'
She put a nervous smile on her face and asked you a question
'I was going to ask bill this but...would you mind meeting my Gran'

You decided to speak normally now

"what ever for sookie?"
You asked genuinely curious
"My Gran would love to meet a female vampire who lived longer than she has... and just a vampire in ganeral"
She said with a hopeful grin
You contemplated for a moment and thought why the fuck not
"What time and what place?
"Well I only just planned this here's my number "
She quickly wrote her cellphone number on a napkin and gave it to you with a big smile
You took it and started to make your way out of the bar...but one question struck you
"Quick question do you know what age range I'm in?"
You asked with an eyebrow raised
"Oh...bill told me that he knows you are Eric's maker and older then himself"
"Mmhmm ....*smiles evily*Bill I'll see you at... what's the name of your ....Gran?"
You asked with a slight questioning tone
Sookie sprung at your question
"Adele Stackhouse"
You nodded your head before bill could respond and made you way out
Sookie looked at Bill and said
"Can I ask you for a favor"
He smiled and said
"Maybe we should talk somewhere more private...perhaps after your shift
She nodded and went on with her night with a smile on her face

You went to Fangtasia to report back to Eric

*sigh* finally got that done
And I'm sorry if my writing style is a little weird but I'm trying and I'm sorry for the wait but this was family  time
And I just wanted to say
see yall in the next chapter bye

The Angelic Vampire (True Blood X Reader) slight BBC Merlin CrossoverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang