present day 5000+ years later

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(I'll get more into the readers past along the way with flashbacks and other things like reminiscing and also the reader will have no last name because they did not have last names back then *the reader gave herself a last name in another chapter and a middle name)
*the picture above is what you are waring*

It's 5000 + years later and she has gotten so close to finding Warlow but something stops her every time
And the thing is she can't feel him cause when he left he released her
Because she asked/begged him too
She remembered it like it was yesterday

(They will be speaking a different language yes not English because it was not invented yet)
Warlow zipped into the cave out of breath and acting weird
He shouted for you
You sped in as fast as possible for a vampire
"Yes Warlow...what's wrong?"
You asked innocently with a little worry in your tone
"I'm leaving for a while....maybe forever"
He said a little annoyed
" Well ok ...where are we going?"
You asked ready and waiting for him to answer
He yelled furiously
"but said we would be together said you would love me and protect me forever...and now you are just going to leave out of the blue...why?"
You said almost in tears...blood tears
You hated the way vampires cry...
It was disgusting

"Don't guilt trip me (Y/N)...I do love you and I know what I said but seome things change...I have to leave to find her"
"Who....Find WHO!"
you where over come with emotions when he told you who
A who that was not even born yet

"Release me then... so I won't come looking for you....cause you know I will"
"I RELEASE YOU..BUT NOT FULLY...we might see each other again...might"
The blood tears started to fall
That felt terrible
"Good bye ...(Y/N)"
"Good bye....asshole"
You said as you left to find another place to go

you wiped the blood tears from your eyes as you remembered how he left you

You where sitting at a newly opened bar in Shreveport called Fangtasia
You where there drinking a tru blood O+ at the bar the bar was owned by one of your co produced progeny named ERIC NORTHMAN the other vampire that co produced him was your first progeny named Godric
Eric was both your child

You where so proud of Godric that he was the new sheriff of Texas and Eric was named sheriff of Louisiana area 5
Then the thought was interrupted

"Ooh huney you look fine tonight..may I ask your name cutie"
A man asked you leaning his back against the bar dressed in black he was tan and smelled of way too much after shave
"You may.. my name is (Y/N) what's yours?"
You said smiling a big fake smile, you know he was a fang banger so why not toy with him a little
You giggled sweetly and tunred to him waiting for an answer with interest shown on your face ...but it was definitely fake
"The names Edward" He said slyly with a smug smirk
Oh God not another Twilight lover
I mean you didn't hate the movies but they where sooo not realistic

"Oo mysterious... I like it"
You said with a flirty smirk batting your eye lashes
"Oh yeah you like that don't you..oh my goodness you are so beautiful you vampire Goddess"
He said in a saductive tone while getting closer to you, close enough to whisper the last 4 words into your ear
Gosh was he that desperate
You smiled and breathed in and started to act suductive tward him in a playful manner

"Oh baby don't toy with me...tell me what you want me to do my mysterious Edward"
You said while hopping off the bar stool you where sitting on and wrapping your arms around his neck loosely

But unknown to you, You where being watched by one VIP vamp sitting on his throne with a smirk on his face
Eric loved seeing you toy with fang bangers
*back to you*
"Oh my Goddess the way you say my name does something to me" He said while straining his voice to go lower
He started to grab your waist

You started laughing
"Oh boy are you looking for a vampire too fuck?"
You asked he nodded his head fast with no hesitation
" well you are looking in the wrong place... fucker"
*Click hiss*
The sound of your fangs came to like lightning
His face was struck with fear
You pushed him with vamp strength to the nearest wall
Not enough to hurt him but enough so he got the message

"The next time you try to fuck a vampire *woosh you sped up to him while he was sitting on the ground* try going for a name that doesn't fucking reek of obvious vampire get the hell out of my progeny's bar you piece of human waist"
He got up quickly and ran out of the bar

You still had an anoyed look on your face as you clicked you fangs back

*clap clap clap clap*
You turned around to the owner of the claps
"Nice show, can't wait for the next one"
He said with a smirk
You walked up to him and gave him a hug
The bar was closing anyway Pam was already kicking people out so we could go to bed
You didn't like people to see you had a heart with feelings
It made you feel weak
"You both know I love you both so much right?
You said while a blood tear dripped down your right cheek
Pam walked closer to you and joined the hug
She looked up to you
"Well of corse we do you remind us every day...what's wrong?"
Pam said
You thought it was time to tell them about your past befor you went to bed
They didn't know that much about your past

"There is some thing I need to tell you both before we head in for the day....I think it's time you knew more about my past"
You told them everything except Warlow's name and the fact that he was a hybrid and that you where one too and the only other person who knew everything about you besides yourself was Godric...

The Angelic Vampire (True Blood X Reader) slight BBC Merlin & GOT CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now