The Mystery Necklace (part 5)

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As the time passed , and my beloved pharaoh had finish speaking  I was slowly beginning to understand little by little more about the pharaoh and his only love. Everything going on and my necklace , what it meant to the pharaoh.

The live picture playing all around me , it was so unreal that I wanted to just make myself known to everyone more importantly to him , I felt as if him and crossed glances even though no one could see us; could see me. I knew though for certain that all he wanted was to please his future queen, even if he came off as strict to the servant girl from earlier.

Time was passing in my world , but here in my dream world time seemed to freeze in place and  I could stay at his side longer even if I was still so far away from his gentle touch. For once I was caught in the moment he was to hard to resist my sweet pharaoh. More time passed and before I knew it my necklace  gave off its orient golden glow and suddenly the picture around  me began to change; I glanced at ishizu and she shot me a smirk, finally the room changed just like that and in the blink of an eye. 

the scene now changed into a very regal throne room , gold encrusted tiles covered the ground and the walls bared fascinating hieroglyphics in every corner some of which I could make out what they said. This very beautiful scene looked like it came out of a fairytale; those tales of which I loved and treasured dearly. I knew they were meant for children not for a grown woman , but I still always hoped for a happily ever after.

Although this scene was very beautiful it still felt different ,almost dark vibes became obvious in the room , from the corner of  my eye I saw him I saw the man I met when I arrived earlier today I knew  it had to be . He was non other then the high priest and the pharaoh's right hand man Seto he seemed as if he knew I was their ,but his face gave off that sense of hatred and revenge towards my pharaoh.

Now that I saw him clearly he looked menacing , the pharaoh was not in this room but still he seemed up to something , his blue eyes glanced around the room and he seemed to have pulled out a small bottle from his pockets "what was he up to?" that...

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Now that I saw him clearly he looked menacing , the pharaoh was not in this room but still he seemed up to something , his blue eyes glanced around the room and he seemed to have pulled out a small bottle from his pockets "what was he up to?" that question lurked in my mind and I saw him pour the liquid from the vile into a chalice that sat at his majesty's thrown .

Could it be that he was poisoning the pharaoh?! worry filled my every thought and I looked away for a moment and could not bare to see the horrible thing he was doing betraying his pharaoh , soon enough he vanished , I wanted to just run after him and stop him.. tears wailed in my eyes I knew I could not help at all I was invisible , and not a physical body in this world it was impossible ,after I looked at ishizu one last time my eyes began to feel heavy and the image around me became a blur slowly but Surely and ishizu as well became a blur , close to fully shutting down I caught the sight of Purple beautiful eyes hovering above me but I had no idea who it was or what anything was anymore. 

I finally fainted only to wake up in my bed in the suite that belonged to BF/N and I while we are here .It must have been about five-thirty in the morning ,BF/N was still sound asleep and the sun was almost rising to the north across the beautiful desert. After what I had seen ad experienced I could not bring myself to fall asleep again, I was concerned and I was not sure what would happen to my pharaoh who I only saw in my dreams . I worried about him and his life the priest could have been plotting to assassinate the pharaoh. My pharaoh , and I didn't know how to save him it frustrated me even though I could not physically touch him  their had to be someway to save him. With that said I sat in my bed head buried worrying as the last moments of night ran its course.

 With that said I sat in my bed head buried worrying as the last moments of night ran its course

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