The Mystery Necklace Part 1.

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There we were, BF/N and I more than ready to board our flight to Cairo and take a sightseeing tour on the way to our hotel which was known as "The Nile's Dimond" standing tall in the center of Giza. BF/N's parents ran late, they were gathering equipment needed for their upcoming excavation to uncover an ancient tomb of a great pharaoh who lived long ago before our time, they had told us to go ahead in front of them and that they will meet up with us. Hours had passed and we were now Egypt bound.

I had a seat close to the window, but for some reason I could not fall asleep, my strange dream from previous nights were tugging at my heartstrings, that vision and those people. I could not seem to kick it fresh out of my head. Many hours had passed and BF/N was out cold, his/her parents ended up having to take another flight straight towards Egypt, they had ended up missing the original flight to Cairo. As for me, well I was  hoping that strange night was only a one night thing or nothing, but strange coincidence and would not occur again and I would be able to enjoy my vacation with my best friend.

More time had passed and BF/N was still sleeping, honestly he/she was the heaviest sleeper. I knew. "Only four more hours to go and we would land in Cairo ", I thought to myself. Time seemed to fly by very quickly and before I knew it we arrived, we finally arrived in Cairo, as we boarded off our flight we awaited our bags, BF/N was still half asleep it was absolutely hilarious. Once we gathered our belongings we thought maybe go out and explore Cairo, while we waited for BF/N parents who won't arrive until mid-day, belongings in hand we made our way out of the airport and immediately the most beautiful structures surrounded us, golden sand and blue skies were visible never had I seen such beauty, so much history I couldn't  believe my eyes.

As I stood there, taking in the culture my body seemed to freeze, my mind became adrift and my vision blurred, I felt fainted. In-between my blurred sight and what was left of my sight, I caught a glimpse of a tall, brown-haired man dressed in what seemed to be clothing from ancient Egypt. I thought, maybe he was a reenactor it was impossible for a man from ancient Egypt to be around here in modern day, ancient Egypt was also a time where a famous card game known as Duel monsters existed. It was a game that a pharaoh long ago, played against his strongest opponent and saved the world, the game was then played all over the world and made its way to modern day.

I could not make out the tall man's features clearly, my vision was so incredibly blurred so I attempted to reach his face, the man's eyes seemed to pierce right through me, even though I could not see clearly I continued to reach for his face, but before I knew it I felt a gust of wind and he vanished, as quickly as he came .

As my vision slowly but surely started returning to me , I heard BF/N call out to me while I remained locked in my dream like state , I could barley hear BF/N after he/she  called my name out loudly with a yell, and I finally snapped out of my trance and turned to face BF/N clearly  phased but I tried not to make it obvious and afterwards when I got to BF/N I tried to explain what I just experienced  I was not sure if he/she would believe me.


"I was looking  for Y/N, I thought maybe she went out to look around Cairo, but instead I saw her  standing there. I almost dazed and totally frozen, I called out but there was no answer until I yelled towards Y/N again and after that final yell, she seemed to snap out off it and looked at me and she was blabbering on and on claiming to have seen a ghost.


Turning to face Y/N, I was certain that that he/she thought I was crazy or officially lost my sanity, but the image of the man, his brown hair and his rather odd clothing  stuck to my mind, just what was going on and looking at BF/N, I waited for words to come out of his/her mouth . Once words came out all BF/N said was " Y/N come on my parents are here, they are waiting for us in the bus. Let's go before they leave without us." looking at my best friend I spoke and told him/her that I will meet up with them in a while and that I wanted to look around a little more. BF/N agreed and didn't say anything else about my pure lost of sanity, with that said I took of to look around and explore.

I strolled off to look around, everything looked so magical , so full of history; everything around me and everywhere I looked, children played a simpler version of duel monsters on the streets  without the monsters popping out everywhere, it reminded me of my childhood I always loved the game, although as a kid I played the game against others, but in those days we were allowed to play on an actual battle field and in the orphanage too with other kids. I always felt connected to the game as if I myself used the monsters once  to save others.

I walked a while more taking in everything, every sound , every scent I continued walking the jewels, I saw were absolutely lovely and on display. One item in particular though seemed very familiar, a pyramid hanging on a chain, solid gold, the eye of RA engraved within it.

Somehow It felt familiar, as if I saw it before, but I didn't let it get to me and continued walking; taking in the appearances of ancient artifacts . As I walked more I noticed an elderly woman who seemed to be struggling to pick up her groceries, she must have been about seventy maybe a bit older, she was struggling  so I ran towards her and helped pick up the groceries ; after I helped her out I looked  and smiled gently as the lady spoke ,"thank you miss, your very kind to help an old lady such as myself and on such a hot day to" I looked at the lady a returned a simple " It was really no big deal , honestly " the lady looked at me once more and put a beautiful necklace in my hand , I examined it for a while and then looked up once more and she was gone , just like the man I saw earlier , disappeared from view like a gust of wind. 


You had no choice, but to take the  necklace it was rather lovely. A stone in bright ember rock , the eye of RA engraved into its interior, breathtakingly beautiful. It caught your attention and you just could not put it down, you became even more drawn to it the more you looked at it after serious thinking you finally put it on and a golden light seemed to emanate from it.

It's Light felt so familiar to you, but you brushed It off and ran on to meet with BF/N and his/her family, ready to tour Cairo and  parts of Giza . The necklace now  firmly rested upon your neck. 

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