Chapter 15-

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*I should start off my apologizing for dropping off the face of the earth and not updating In like seriously two years. My bad! Life gets in the way. Life is still hectic but I'm going to try and write. No idea where the story is going but I'm just gonna write and I guess we will find out. Thanks to all my new fans and the old ones. Hope you enjoy this update! Love you all, Elly*

Looking down and the small child I wonder to myself how I got so lucky to have given birth to such a beautiful baby. The warm hand that is suddenly placed gently on my shoulder reminds me that It's because I have such a beautiful boyfriend. I crane my neck to look up into his blue eyes as he kisses me on the cheek, and then the small infant in my arms. I was completely at peace and....

Where is that buzzing noise coming from?

"Kennedy wake up babe." I heard my lovely boyfriend's groggy voice whisper to me. I sit up and hit the alarm, pissed because it woke me from my dream. I flip on the light and harshly throw my covers off me. I try and sit up but my stomach is so large that I can't do it alone. Justin sighs, getting up and walking to my side of the bed. He grabs my hand and pulls me up. I grunt and walk into the ensuite to brush my teeth and pee.
"What's wrong Kay?" Justin asks from the other room, making the bed. "I'm tired of it." I say trying to brush my teeth at the same time. "I know honey" he says walking into the bathroom. I sigh dramatically and look into the mirror. All I could see was my stomach sticking out from Justin's old college shirt. I had gotten too big for my own clothes. "Justin how can you stand To look at me? I'm huge!" I say motioning to my gigantic stomach. He turns to me, walking over from the shower and lifts up my shirt. He kneels down and gently kisses my stomach. "Because you're having our baby." He says smiling as he looks back up at me. I grunt, dissatisfied by his answer, but I accept it anyways.
After getting showered and dressed in leggings, a maternity top and a colorful chunky scarf, I met Justin downstairs in the kitchen. I could smell the bacon being cooked from the hallway upstairs and when I arrived in the kitchen, I suddenly lost the appetite for bacon and was craving frozen yogurt. "Hi baby. Thanks for making all of this..." I said trailing off and kissing his cheek as he flipped the bacon over in the pan. "You're welcome. Glad to see you've cheered up. You look marvelous today." He said smiling. "Hey Justin." I said walking over to the window and looking at the gloomy day outside. "Can we go get frozen yogurt? I'm really craving it." I said shyly, feeling bad. "Of course. Anything you want Kay." He said smiling and grabbing the keys off the hook. I slipped on my Hunter boots and a rain jacket, grabbing my purse and following Justin out the door.
When we got to the frozen yogurt store in the mall there were people constantly coming up to us and asking for pictures. When I finally got my yogurt it tasted so good and I was satisfied. I smiled at Justin, thanking him. "Well, what should we do now?" He asked throwing away our cups. I shrugged. We didn't do much these days, Justin mainly recorded while I sat at home and watched re-runs of Full House. "Well, Easter is this Sunday, so we could go shopping for a new dress for you if you want?" Justin asked pointing to my favorite maternity store right across from the Frozen Yogurt place. "Okay!" I said cheerfully.

After trying on pretty much every other dress In the store and having it not fit well, or not feeling good in it, I was just about to give up when Justin walked over to me holding a simple gray and white striped dress. I hesitantly looked at it. "I don't know. It looks so..." I trailed of looking for the right words. "Maternal" I said laughing. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Trust me." He said handing my the dress and stepping into the fitting room to help me into It. When I got it on I stood in shock of how good I looked and felt. "Wow babe, thank you!" I beamed, hugging him. "I thought it would look good with these." He said holding up a pair of not too high, Tory Burch heels. "They're perfect!" I said, trying them on.
After buying the dress and shoes we went home and spent the rest of the day watching movies on the flat screen. I feel asleep halfway through the third Transformers, but the phone ringing woke me up. I pretended to be asleep so I wouldn't have to get up, and sure enough Justin grabbed it quickly, whispering to someone on the other end. He whispered something and I heard him step out onto the back patio. After ten minutes of straining to hear, I heard the door open again. I sat up trying to act groggy. "Who was that babe?" I asked yawning. "Oh it was Johnny." He said staring into space. "Justin is everything okay?" I asked laying my hand gently on his. He paused for a moment looking down at me. "Johnny needs us in France. By next week." He whispered. "France? Like, Paris France?" He nodded slowly. "Alright, well I guess we better start packing. What's this for by the way? Oh! Lemme call Dr. Berg and tell
him I'll be traveling." I said rambling on. "Really? Just like that you're okay with the move?" Justin said in disbelief. "Yeah, I mean you know I support your work babe. Plus, what woman wouldn't want to go to Paris?" I said laughing. He looked at me smiling before leaning down and kissing me. I smiled, "this is gonna be a great move baby. But why do we have to go to Paris? What is it for?" I asked. "It's not for my career Kay, it's for yours." Justin said laughing as I stared at him confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2015 ⏰

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