Chapter 5

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It was 7 o'clock when I heard the doorbell ring. I walked over to it and swung the door open.

"LJ!" I screamed puling her in for a hug.

It had been a while since I'd seen her. She wore a long blue maxi skirt over her solid white bandeau bathing suit, which practically glowed compared to her perfectly tan skin. Her light brown hair with red tints was up in an adorable up-do. She looked fabulous, as she always did.

"Girl, you're telling me you made friends with a freakin celebrity or something? Who is it?" She squealed in the way that told me she was truly excited for this party.

"Follow me and you'll find out."

We walked around down into the kitchen and Justin was standing there poring some jack into a shot glass. He went to grab it but I came up behind him and took it before he could. I threw my head back, the feeling of the smooth jack slightly burned on the way down but it was a familiar taste.

"Dammit woman!" He laughed and swatted me playfully. Then he grabbed my waist to pull me closer to him. I giggled like a silly girl and tried to escape from his grasp. He stared at me holding me close. I totally forgot that LJ was here until I heard her clear her throat.

"Oh sorry....Lincoln this is Justin." I said stepping away from him.

"No shit, I coulda told you that. Nice to meet you Justin." She said raising an eyebrow. "So we about to party? How many hot celebrity friends you got?"

"They're all gonna be celebrities for the most part" Justin laughed, walking to the door which had just been knocked at. He pulled it open, there was a man dressed in all black. I assumed he was the bartender when he walked in and went straight to the bar.

"My old co-star from Alpha Dogs is coming though. I haven't seen him in forever." He said walking over to the CD player near his tv.

"Do you guys know Anton Yelchin?" He said flipping through some In a large box. Lincoln practically squealed with excitement. "I'll take that as a yes?" Justin laughed.

"I love him! Please tell me you can introduce us!" Lincoln smiled eagerly at Justin who nodded "Of course I will."

------------A half hour later-------------

The party was in full swing by 7:45. Justin's massive home was filled completely. There was people everywhere, on the beach, in the pool, in the hot tub, and dancing in the living room.

I was three drinks in and the night had just started, I wasn't even close to done yet. My muscular, curvy figure allowed me to drink more than most twigs can.

I was moving and feelings the beat. I felt invincible grinding on Justin as the bass blared Gas Pedal in the house. The music was a mix of country and Hip-Hip dance music. My hands were in my hair and above my head as Justin's were all over my body. He kept his mouth close to my ear and I could hear him breathing heavily. He had more to drink than I had, and we were both pretty drunk.

Gas Pedal ended and the next song came on. It was a country song, not one you can really grind to. Justin spun me around to face him. He held me close and just stared at me. I was wondering what could possibly be going through his mind right now. I was about to ask him when I heard a voice yelling my name over the loud music.

It was Lincoln. She was holding a wine glass and pulling a boy behind her. I immediately knew who he was; Anton Yelchin. His curly red hair was messed up and he was blushing. Even drunk he looked like an adorable little innocent boy. He was perfect for LJ.

"Hey guys!" I said hugging Lincoln. Justin nodded at Anton. Lincoln whispered in my ear that she and Anton were leaving. I raised my eyebrow and nudged her. "Way to go girl." We said our goodbyes and they left to meet their taxi outside.

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