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Hey guys!

I've got something important I want to talk to you guys about, so listen up, okay? Look, it's about my books. The reason I started writing wasn't only for fun. I guess you can call it a method to keep myself relaxed, a therapeutic thing for me to do so I'm not too stressed out. I use other methods as well, but writing seems to work the best, since I get a lot of emotions out of my system. Now, I have a little...issue with something. I'm gonna have to ask you guys not to ask me to update on any of my books for a couple reasons.

(1) it stresses me out, making me feel as though I have to force out a chapter. I don't usually feel this way when a few people asking, but when that number grows bigger and bigger, it makes me nervous, like I've been neglecting my duties as an author to complete the book. I know this isn't actually the case, but that thought tends to linger in the back of my head, and I end up making a chapter that's been rushed.

(2) All my stories are made off the top of my head. I'll have a summary in mind as I write, but the story itself isn't planned out. You can't rush creativity as the wheels are turning. Each chapter isn't planned, and in most cases I don't even know how I'm going to end them.

(3) I have way too many books to both update and edit at the same time. Hell, I'm still editing the first book I've ever written on this site, and I completed it when? Two years ago. I actually plan to take a break at some point (a long one too), where I'm going to dedicate my time to editing all the books I have until I believe they're perfect. Without having to worry about doing uploads at the same time, the work should fly by. Anyway, what I'm saying is that I don't usually find time to upload or edit on some days. Which brings me to reason number four.

(4) I have a life outside of Wattpad where I do lots of stuff with my family or on my own. I like to do things other than write, you know? I feel like sometimes people forget that people need time to themselves where they don't have to worry about doing something. Heck, sometimes I'd take watching a cheesy movie marathon in my pajamas over spending a couple hours writing chapters for my many...many books.

I understand that people can get a bit impatient when they want to know what happens next (I'm like that myself, actually), but I all ready know that. I don't have to be reminded all the time. I know the story isn't fully completed, but I'll get to it when I get to it. It's also why I don't ask some of my favorite authors to update because I know how irritating it can be at times to have people ask you to update constantly, even when they're taking forever to release a new chapter.

I know they have their own lives to live, and I leave them be. I know it takes me a long time to get some of my books a new chapter, just look at my Bill Cipher x Reader book. I haven't updated that one in a long time, but it's not because I got bored of it or I want to torture you guys by making you wait for the next chapter. I just don't have any ideas for it at the moment.

Sorry, I had to rant about this because it's beginning to bug me. Just know that there isn't any reason to ask me to update. I'm not planning on quitting any of my books or Wattpad, and I'm not trying to make you guys wait. Just know I'm not mad at those of you who asked me to update, I'm just getting a little tired of hearing it.

Thank you for listening,


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