Chaper Six

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Toni and Misty sat next to each other, both playing on their phones.
Misty however was busy txting Sweet Pea.

Misty growled, “T, are they seriously that dumb?” Misty shoved her phone in Tonis face who quickly scanned over the messages

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Misty growled, “T, are they seriously that dumb?” Misty shoved her phone in Tonis face who quickly scanned over the messages.
“Can you blame them? Miss, you know what its like.” Toni sighed, she didn’t condone the plan but she was frustrated too with how they got treated, constantly victim to Alice Cooper and her paper.

After class Misty made her way outside to meet Sweet Pea, Fangs and Toni.
She found the three all around a table with a forth male.
Approaching the group Misty could make out the crown beanie on the strangers head, FP had told her about his son, Jughead and how he always wore the hat.
“and as always the Northsiders get off scot free while the rest of us get hauled in by the police if it wasn’t for Misty we would still be sitting in the cells” Sweet Pea pointed at Misty as she approached the group.
“Its payback time” Fangs smiled at Misty, while Jughead eyed her up and down, he had heard of Misty but this was his first face to face encounter.
“What are you guys talking about? What is that? that a pipe bomb?!” Jughead looked down at the plans on the table, disgust clearly evident on his face. Misty decided to stay out of it sat next to Toni who gave her a small smile.
As the boys continued to argue back and forth Mistys eyes were trained on Sweet Pea.
“We don’t know who you stand for. Us, or them. You can’t be half a Serpent” Sweet Pea leveled with Jughead before he and the others started to leave, Misty gave Toni a sad smile before following after Sweet Pea who was her ride home.

Misty sat next to Toni as they watched Sweet Pea play pool.
Jughead entered heading straight for them.
“I think this Northsider is lost” Sweet Pea stated, causing everyone to look towards Jughead as he stopped by the pool table.
“Aaaaaaand I need a drink” Misty left the group to go see Hogeye at the bar.

“Tallboy, is the one who gave me this jacket. Finally time I started wearing it” Misty approached the group with drink in hand as Tallboy eyed Jughead.
“So now you wanna be a Serpent huh? Lets see if you survive the initiation first” Tallboy stated before returning to the pool game.
Jughead took this as a sign to leave.

Once everyone was busy with themselves, Misty approached Tallboy.
Tallboy offered a smile to Misty, he had met the girl at FPs request, “What can I do ya for Misty?”
“Hey, um so I’ve been doing some thinking, do you think I join the Serpents? Like officially?” Misty fiddled with the rings on her fingers, she spoke in a low voice not wanting her friends to over hear.
“What bought this on?”
“I’ve been hanging out with Sweet Pea, Toni and Fangs, I live in Serpent lands.” Misty blushed.
“And you just saw Sweet Pea have a go at Jughead for not being a Serpent?” Tallboy raised an eyebrow, he had seen how uncomfortable she felt when Sweet Pea had called out the half-Serpent.
“Yeah, and that” Misty didn’t want to admit it, but she knew she received looks for being in the Wyrm with no patch or tattoo making her feel out of place.
“Lets go up stairs and talk” Misty followed Tallboy up the stairs to where FPs office resided.

Sweet Pea watched Misty follow Tallboy upstairs.
“What’s she doing?” Sweet Pea directed his question at Toni
“Beats me” she said with a shrug before going back to her drink.

“I’m not stripping” Misty stated, Tallboy had been explaining what she would have to do to get her patch and tattoo. The older Serpent had been discussing Mistys new endeavour.
“Well, thats what women do, males get the shit beaten out of them, chicks dance” Tallboy leaned back in FPs chair while Misty sat across from him.
“Well I’ll get the shit beaten out of me then” Misty stated as she mirrored Tallboys actions.
“But your a girl”
“No fucking shit, but I’m not stripping. Trust me TB, I can handle a beating” Misty was determined, she had been on the receiving end of alot of beatings over the years by not only her mother, but her ‘friends’, she could take it.
“Look, FP will be pissed if he found out I let you do this” Tallboy sighed as he ran his large hand over his rugged face.
“Well FP isn’t here. He got locked up. I am doing this Tallboy, with or without you.”
Tallboy looked at Misty, her face was set , arms crossed in deviance.
“You still remember the laws?” was all he asked with a defeated tone, with a stiff nod from Misty he threw his hands up in defeat.
“Tomorrow then” With a smile Misty smiled before saying her thank you, asking Tallboy not to tell anyone it was her that would be getting initiated, without looking after Hot-dog since she already had Fluffy, sneaking out the back Misty headed home.

The next evening every Serpent was gathered at the White Wyrm, everyone buzzing around the secretary Tallboy had over the new recruit, younger members angry that they had not been asked to deliver ‘the beast’.
Sweet Pea stood beside Tallboy, everything was set up and ready.
The doors swung open as Misty walked in, eyes locked with Tallboy as she didn’t want to look at Sweet Pea, concerned about his reaction.

Sweet Pea watched Misty walking in, he was surprised, non-member don’t normally get an invite, however his heart started racing as Misty avoided his gaze, instead staring at Tallboy who she now stood before.
Misty remained unchanged as Tallboy started yelling at her asking for the laws,
“IN UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH” Misty screamed back, earning the echo of all the Serpents.
“Now the next test” Tallboy motioned to the tank with had a rattle snake wrapped around a knife.
“Get the knife” Tallboy demanded.
Misty simply smirked as she approached the tank, gently she slowly lowered her hand in, the snake watching her every move, Misty simply encouraging the snake to move away from the knife before her delicate fingers wrapped around the knife and removed it without incident.
“Guys I have a Cobra, this little girl is nothing” Misty smirked as she handed the knife to Sweet Pea who smiled down at her.
“Are you really going to do the Serpent dance?” Sweet Pea asked, already getting jealous of the idea that everyone would see her near naked body.
Before Misty could respond Tallboy once again yelled at the pit of Serpents.
Sweet Pea turned to Misty who now stood slightly straighter.
“You can’t be serious? Misty we will kill you!” Sweet Pea tried to grab Misty by the arm to stop her from going outside but Misty had already dodged his hand and started outside.
“You can’t stop me Sweets, now either you or Tallboy are the finally punch, so decide who its going to be” and with that Misty heading to outside.

Once everyone had gathered, young Serpents had formed two lines for Misty to walk through, Misty squared her shoulders, Sweet Pea stood at the other end, he was the final punch, knowing that if Tallboy made the swing, Misty might never get back up, at least if he did it he could have a level of control.
Misty gave him a nervous smile before her feet moved forward to take the first hit, with every step another punch, all aimed in different places, afew punches to the stomach, ribs, the odd punch to the face, Misty staggered but continued moving, loosing track of the punches, pain erupting through most of her body, her left side already feeling like she had broken ribs.
Misty now stood before Sweet Pea, his bare knuckles clenched but unmoving.
“You throw or I will” was all the Tallboy said seeing the struggle in Sweet Pea. With a side glance Sweet Pea swung his fist, his knuckles collided with Mistys check, she stumbled back with a grunt, almost falling but quickly regained her balance.
Everyone erupted into cheers as Sweet Pea moved forward to pull Misty into a tight hug.
“Dude, I just had the shit beaten out of me, less pressure please” Misty sounded weak as Sweet Pea loosened his grip, her face was coming up with bruises already, cuts on face leaked blood which had started running down her face.
Tallboy stood behind Misty, a fitted leather jacket in his hands which he held out for her to pull on, she carefully put her arms through and pulled the leather to her beaten body.
“OUR NEW SERPENT” Tallboy screamed as everyone started cheering and congratulating  Misty who smiled through the pain.

Sweet Pea had driven Mistys beat up truck back to her trailer, he was treating her like a broken doll as her body slowly became black and blue.
“Come on, Ill pack you a cone, you just get changed” Sweet Pea encouraged Misty who simply nodded as the pair moved inside.
Toni had gone to help prep Jughead as he would be going through the same process over the next few days. Fangs however had continued to drink and party.
Misty fed Fluffy before she moved down to her room, carefully she attempted to take her clothes off but as suspected, she had broken ribs on her left side, sighing in defeat she called out to Sweet Pea.
“I think I need some help” Misty pouted as Sweet Pea smiled down at her and started helping her get her clothing off.
Sweet Pea started at Mistys feet, he undid her boots before he gently pulled them off her feet, pulling her socks off he then started removing her pants, “comfy clothes are where?” He asked, following Mistys hand he opened up the drawers to remove a set of sweat pants and an oversized jersey.
Retuning to Misty he helped her into the stretchy material, next her moved his attention to helping remove her new Serpent jacket, next was her top.
Sweet Pea looked down at Mistys body, cuts and bruises littered her skin, her left side was swollen and very quickly darkening.
His large hands gently traced over her skin as he unclasped her bra, and kissed her shoulder. Misty hummed at the contact, with some help she slowly managed to pull the jersey on.
“So, officially a Southside Serpent now?” Sweet Pea had a large grin on his face as Misty weakly smile back at him.
“I guess so”
“You realise you are the first and only female to ever walk the gauntlet? AND you took it better than half the guys” Sweet Pea chuckled.
“I must just be super bad ass” Misty giggled before gasping in pain and holding her sides.
“Ok, that hurts, don’t be funny” Misty nudged Sweet Pea at her attempt at a joke.
“I’ll do my best, come on, you need to rest and clean up those cuts”
Misty rolled her eyes “just get a damp cloth from the bathroom” Sweet Pea followed her suggestion, returning to the bedroom with a damp cloth which he used to slowly and carefully wipe away the dried blood on her face.
Once cleaned up, Misty dragged her duvet off the bed and carried it to the sofa where her and Sweet Pea sat next to each other.
“This badass is not going to be able to have a cone if I can’t even laugh....” Misty admitted with a tone of defeat. Sweet Pea merely nodded before he started rolling a joint for the two.
Fluffy had taken his position on the sofa next to Misty with his large head resting on her lap, her hand slowly stroking him.

“Decided where your tattoo is going?” Sweet Pea was lying on the sofa with Misty on top of him, the blanket covering their legs as Sweet Pea trailed his fingers along Mistys back.
“Its a suprise”
“You do realise that I’ll be doing it since FP isn’t here?” Sweet Pea looked down at Misty as she gently smacked his chest.
“Well you will just have to wait, when do you wanna do it?”
“How about we let you heal abit first?”
“Nah, fuck it, lets do it tomorrow” Misty wanted to get it done sooner rather than later.

Sweet Pea of Mine {SweetPea/OC}Where stories live. Discover now